Akame ga Kill! Zero is a spin-off prequel series of the popular dark fantasy manga Akame ga Kill! which was turned into an anime in 2014. Takahiro, the original author of Akame ga Kill! is the creator of the prequel series with Kei Toru as the illustrator.
With 10 volumes and 60 chapters, Akame ga Kill! Zero had a 10-month serialization. It started in October 2013 and finished in January 2019 in the Monthly Big Gangan magazine. Yen Press obtained a license for the series' English publication from March 2016 through October 2019.
Akame ga Kill! Zero explores the dark and brutal world of Akame ga Kill! from a fresh angle. It reveals how Akame evolved into the icy and proficient assassin she is in the main series. The Elite Seven and their adversaries, the Oarburgh clan, a gang of mercenaries that specialize in torture and intelligence collection, are among the new characters introduced in the prequel series.
Akame ga Kill! Zero prequel presents a new angle with a lot more fanservice
Akame ga Kill! Zero explores Akame's past before she joins the Night Raid, a team of assassins who fight an evil Empire. She is the key protagonist of Akame ga Kill!. Young Akame is one of two sisters who were sold to the Empire and trained to be cold-blooded killers.
She was given a job with the Elite Seven, a secret assassination team under the command of the enigmatic Gozuki. Akame and her squad members completed several missions for the Empire, believing that murdering their adversaries was the way to spread peace to the populace. However, Akame started to doubt her commitment and morals when she saw the horrors and injustices the Empire was doing.
Some of the the well-known characters from the main series like Esdeath, Lubbock, Leone, Chelsea, Bulat, Najenda, and Suzuka have made an appearance in this spin-off series. The spin-off presents an informative viewpoint to the audience about their pasts and relationships.
Akame ga Kill! Zero is a must-read for fans of the original series as it adds to the world's lore and history and offers additional insight into Akame's personality and motives. The action, drama, tragedy, and plot twists in the series are sure to keep readers interested all the way to the very last page.
Akame ga Kill! Zero, like the main series, includes horrific scenes of violence, gore, torture, r*pe, and murder, thus it's not recommended for the faint of heart. Akame ga Kill! Zero has also been successful in portraying a gritty, sardonic tone that is unafraid to depict the brutal realities of conflict and corruption.
In some aspects, the prequel series is different from the main series. First off, it portrays the dark and brutal world of Akame ga Kill! from the perspective of the Empire rather than the rebels, giving it a new tone and viewpoint. Additionally, it takes a unique approach to the topics of dishonesty, loyalty, morality, and love.
The illustrations by Kei Toru are more intricate and lifelike than those by Tetsuya Tashiro in the main series, which results in a different art style and character design. Finally, the prequel has also included a level of fanservice that is not present in the original series which makes Akame ga Kill! Zero a spicier series than the original manga.
Akame ga Kill! Zero is available online at numerous manga websites. That being said, it is recommended to purchase the official English volumes from Yen Press if the audience wishes to have a seamless reading experience.
Fans can also watch the original Akame ga Kill! anime on popular streaming platforms like Crunchyroll and HIDIVE. However, it should be kept in mind that the anime diverges from the manga's storyline halfway through. It also has a unique conclusion that isn't found in either the main series or the prequel series.
For new audiences wondering which series to read first, it will be worthwhile to start with the prequel Akame ga Kill! Zero. This would make sure that the reader is not able to make predictions based on the original series and can enjoy the captivating storyline to the fullest. The prequel will leave the audience in suspense and seeking more as they ponder over the fates of Akame and her allies.