One Piece has introduced numerous pirate fleets, with Whitebeard's Grand Fleet being one of the first to ever make an onscreen appearance. The Straw Hat Grand Fleet, formed at the end of the Dressrosa arc, is inarguably one of the largest fleets ever revealed in the series.
Although the captains of the Grand Fleet were explored throughout the Dressrosa arc, the overall ranking of the crews and their strengths has remained a mystery. By considering the overall fighting prowess, utility, and numbers of the crews, it becomes possible to rank them according to their strength.
Disclaimer- This article contains spoilers for the One Piece series.
Tontatta Pirates, Yonta Maria Grand Fleet, New Giant Warrior Pirates and 5 other One Piece Straw Hat Grand Fleet crews ranked weakest to strongest
8)Tontatta Pirates

The Tontatta Pirates are a crew entirely made up of dwarves, with Leo serving as the captain. Although the Tontatta Pirates have appeared frequently, and Leo himself has been a prominent character during the Reverie arc, the crew is one of the weakest ever introduced.
Captain Leo does not possess any form of Haki, and his Devil Fruit, which allows him to stitch and unstitch entities, is not a valuable resource against the actual threats in One Piece. Given the Tontatta Pirates' negligible strength and utility, they are arguably the weakest crew in the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.
7) Ideo Pirates
The Ideo Pirates is a four-man crew led by Ideo from the longarm tribe. The crew consists of Ideo, Blue Gilly, Abdullah, and Jeet. Ideo, the captain, is the only member with noteworthy strength, having demonstrated superhuman power, such as moving the unconscious giant Hajrudin.
However, the crew's relatively low power level and the absence of Haki across all members make them one of the weakest crews in the Straw Hat Grand Fleet, slightly above the Tontatta Pirates.
6) Happo Navy

The Happo Navy is a family-run pirate crew with nearly 1,000 members. The key members include Don Sai, Baby 5, Boo, and Don Chinjao. The crew uses a signature fighting style that involves vibration, although its full extent has not been explored. Don Chinjao, the elder, was once powerful enough to rival a young Garp, and Don Sai, the current captain, possesses Armament Haki.
The Happo Navy’s member count, along with the Haki abilities of its captain and select members, as well as a functional fighting style, make them one of the stronger crews in the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.
5) Yonta Maria Grand Fleet

The Yonta Maria Grand Fleet consists of 4,300 active members across 56 ships, led by Orlumbus. Although little is known about their combat abilities, their overwhelming numbers and resourcefulness, as evidenced by their ability to maintain their status as a grand fleet, make them one of the stronger crews within the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.
4) New Giant Warrior Pirates

The New Giant Warrior Pirates are a reformation of the legendary Giant Pirates led by Dorry and Brogy 100 years ago. Now led by Hajrudin, the crew currently has five members. As giants, their physiology already grants them immense strength, making them one of the strongest crews in the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.
The overwhelming physical power of giants places the New Giant Warrior Pirates above the Yonta Maria Grand Fleet.
3) Barto Club

The Barto Club is both a fan club and a pirate crew led by Bartolomeo, who recently clashed with the Red-Haired Pirates and is currently missing. While the crew itself is inexperienced and among the weakest in terms of fighting ability, Bartolomeo's Barrier-Barrier Fruit is incredibly powerful and makes up for the crew's overall weaknesses.
Despite being one of the weakest crews overall, Bartolomeo’s Devil Fruit singlehandedly elevates the Barto Club to one of the stronger crews in the fleet.
2) Beautiful Pirates

The Beautiful Pirates, led by Cavendish, have 74 members, though none of the other crew members' fighting abilities have been revealed or hinted at.
Cavendish himself is among the strongest pirates in the Straw Hat Grand Fleet, and his alter ego, Hakuba, raises his combat power to an entirely new level. Hakuba's skill and finesse in battle make the Beautiful Pirates the second-strongest crew in the fleet, trailing only the Straw Hats themselves
1) Straw Hat Pirates

The Straw Hat Pirates, a 10-member crew led by Monkey D. Luffy, are undoubtedly the strongest crew in the Straw Hat Grand Fleet and one of the strongest crews in the One Piece universe.
The overwhelming fighting prowess of Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji ensures their dominant status among all crews.
Final Thoughts
The One Piece anime recently announced a six-month hiatus lasting until April 2025, meaning no additional material or anime-original scenes will be available for the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.
The Straw Hat Grand Fleet has remained largely unexplored since its formation, but with the manga heading toward its finale with the Elbaf arc, it's possible that this fleet will return to the story soon.
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