Flashy and engaging, all Bleach openings are amazing masterpieces in their own right. The seventeen intros of the anime adaptation brilliantly convey the spirit of Tite Kubo's story, which stands out for its fast-paced battles, shocking plot twists, and large cast of characters.
With regard to the opening themes, one might even say that Bleach is the most captivating franchise among the iconic Shonen Jump's "Big Three." Openings, a blend of addictive songs and cinematic scenes, are an essential aspect of anime series, and Bleach does it great.
All of Bleach's openings, including the new intros from Bleach TYBW, are now available on VIZ Media's official YouTube channel. Courtesy of the leading manga publisher and anime distributor, fans can freely enjoy them, from the 2005 Asterisk up to the 2023 Stars.
Every Bleach opening before TYBW Cour 3, listed from least to most immersive
17) Bleach opening 8, Chu-Bura by Kelun

This intro is positioned last, but surely not for unworthiness, as the Bleach anime doesn't have a single bad opening. Simply put, compared to the other intros, Chu-Bura’s visuals and song are nothing to write home about.
While smoothly animated and characterized by a likeable atmosphere, the opening frames a filler arc, and it really shows right away. The montage is fine, but no one is getting fired up for the "New Captain Shusuke Amagai Arc."
16) Bleach opening 11, Anima Rossa by Porno Graffitti

Colorful and captivating, this Bleach opening accompanies the Zanpakuto Rebellion Arc, a filler arc during which the Shinigami are forced to battle the spirits of their own swords.
Unintentionally, Anima Rossa ends up foreshadowing the various components inside Ichigo working together with the Substitute Shinigami, something that would be shown in Bleach TYBW’s “The Blade is Me.”
15) Bleach opening 5, Rolling Star by YUI

With its warm and soothing colors, this intro celebrates the long-awaited end of the Bount Arc. Flawlessly dipped into Karakura’s urban environment, the good guys are preparing themselves for the upcoming arrival of the Arrancars.
A brief shot of Rangiku and Gin hints at their melancholic connection, foreshadowing future events. In the opening’s final scene, the camera gets a close-up of Ichigo. Ready to face the challenges that await him, the protagonist unleashes his Bankai.
14) Bleach opening 4, Tonight Tonight Tonight by Beat Crusaders

Although hardly the peak of Bleach’s story, the filler Bount Arc still remains iconic for its amazing intro theme. Tite Kubo’s franchise is renowned for its sense of style, which this opening epitomized.
Shinigami are usually dressed in their traditional clothes, but the sequences of this intro show them in drippy street-style attire. Admittedly, it’s not an every-day experience to see Byakuya wearing a casual shirt and trousers.
13) Bleach opening 14, BLUE by ViViD

The opening of the Reigai Uprising filler arc, BLUE is packed with amazing combat scenes. Owing to the fluid and fast-paced transitions between each shot, the intro is a feast for the eyes.
The sequences of the Gotei 13 members fighting their own doubles give an absolute adrenaline rush, but the conflict's underlying reason is pretty lackluster, which brings down the emotional impact of the opening.
12) Bleach opening 7, After Dark by Asian Kung-Fu Generation

Although based on an arc full of heated battles, this Bleach opening emphasizes how much Ichigo loves Orihime. Resolved to save her at any cost, Ichigo headed to the Hueco Mundo, ready to fight Aizen and the Espada.
The sequence where Aizen and the Espada, all painted in manga-style black and white, sit together in Las Noches marks the peak of the opening. The tone rises even more as Ichigo bursts into the hall and charges against a smirking Aizen.
While dashing towards the archenemy, Ichigo continuously flips between his normal self and his Hollow-masked form, as if to show that he is willing to give up his humanity if that’s what it takes to save Orihime.
11) Bleach opening 10, Shojo S by SCANDAL

Despite giving filler vibes, this opening is a unique masterpiece. The Shinigami cast is depicted through a series of stylish shots, enriched with a vivid color palette, and the whole lot is framed by an enthusiastic song.
As each warrior is shown, Bleach’s most popular ladies, i.e., Rukia, Orihime, and Rangiku, dance to the theme’s boisterous rhythm. Proactive, youthful, and vibrant, the opening exudes pure energy, just what it takes to glorify Aizen’s entrance in Karakura.
10) Bleach opening 6, Alones by Aqua Timez

With Orihime vanished to the Hueco Mundo, Ichigo struggling to control his inner Hollow, and the Soul Society still shaken by Aizen’s betrayal, a sober opening was needed, and Alones perfectly fits that profile.
The opening focuses on the feelings of Ichigo and his friends, all headed to the Hueco Mundo to save Orihime. Ironically, however, this opening went down in history for the hilarious initial scene, in which Kon sings while the Mod Souls dance to the beat.
9) Bleach opening 2, D-tecnolife by UVERworld

In a whirlwind of action-packed scenes, D-tecnolife takes fans into the Soul Society, a brand new world that will host the homonymous arc. Energetic and relentless, the opening introduces the Gotei captains and portrays the struggle to save Rukia.
Within the intro's visuals, Ichigo, Chad, Hanataro, Ishiga, Ganju, and Orihime are all featured as main characters. Put together, their initial letters form “Ichigo,” truly emphasizing the main character’s lynchpin-like role.
8) Bleach TYBW opening 1, Scar by Tatsuya Kitani

Only long-time Bleach fans can understand the pain of seeing the anime deleted and having to wait for years in limbo. After a decade of waiting, however, the franchise finally returned in all its glory.
As the first opening of Bleach TYBW, Scar was called to epitomize the magnitude of the conflict between Shinigami and Quincy. Reinterpreting the fights of the Cour 1 through a stylish and glamorous pink shade, the intro did not disappoint expectations.
All Gotei captains and lieutenants are depicted on a field composed of the same flowers as the plant symbol of their respective squads. An insane attention to detail that wholly ensures a plus point.
7) Bleach opening 3, Ichirin no Hana by High and Mighty Color

Resolved to save Rukia, Ichigo and his friends give their best, but a larger and unexpected scheme unfolds. As the conflict within the Soul Society heats up, Ichirin no Hana’s heavy metal guitar emphasizes the rawness of the various fights.
Much more than a mere soundtrack for action scenes, the song epitomizes the arc’s essence, as its lyrics mention protecting someone who is kept caged by an oppressive environment.
The opening’s symbolism doesn’t stop there. A sequence shows Aizen’s face obscured in the blackness, which has a twofold significance, recalling both his (ostensible) death as well as his true plan, which he kept the Soul Society in the dark from.
6) Bleach TYBW opening 2, STARS by w.o.d.

A masterpiece of imagination and creativity, STARS references the major events and interplays featured in Bleach TYBW‘s Cour 2 through a combination of insane drip and whimsical symbolism.
Dressed as high-fashion models, Shinigami and Quincy interact like in a slice-of-life anime. As a street-style Ichigo plays a double-neck guitar, which symbolizes his dual Zanpakuto, an elegant Uryu holds a violin, representing his Quincy bow and arrow.
Kyoraku has a drink to drown his sorrow for Ukitake’s sad fate, while Zaraki pays tribute to Unohana by leaving flowers in a river red like the blood of her Bankai. Granted, nothing tops Yhwach coming for Uryu on a helicopter piloted by Haschwalth.
5) Bleach opening 13, Ranbu no Melody by SID

With its powerful visuals and song, Ranbu no Melody hits hard. As the battle in Fake Karakura reaches its climax, this Bleach opening perfectly conveys the importance of the moment, generating intense feelings.
An incredibly emotional shot captures the essence of Gin and Rangiku's tragic love story. In the final part, the intro retraces Ichigo’s Shinigami adventure backwards, symbolizing how he will lose all his powers to perform Mugetsu.
The stark contrast between melancholy for the past and hype for the upcoming showdown is amazing. Ready to sacrifice all his newfound powers just to protect his friends, Ichigo confidently smiles, and the stakes truly feel at their highest.
4) Bleach opening 1, Asterisk by Orange Range

The first opening of the Bleach anime, Asterisk introduces the viewers to an uncanny world filled with Shinigami, Hollow, and more. With its mix of electronic rock and laidback visuals, the intro takes you back to the early 2000’s, giving it a nostalgic vibe.
Most Bleach fans started following the series as children at the beginning of the new millennium, and that’s why Asterisk hits differently. It recalls a time where it was just Ichigo and his friends facing Hollows and dealing with everyday life together.
With no Arrancars, Soul Society captains, or evil Sternritters to handle, those were worry-free times, just like a child’s easy life compared to an adult’s complex one.
3) Bleach opening 15, Harukaze by SCANDAL

Harukaze was the last Bleach opening before the anime's ten-year-long interruption. At the time, no one could fathom that the series would return a decade later to enliven the final part of the manga.
All things considered, Harukaze felt like a warm and yet nostalgic celebration of the franchise’s bygone glory, although with a springy tone that somehow instills optimism.
The sequence where Ichigo walks behind all the episode titles and numbers evokes the anime adaptation's upcoming end, while the final scene hints at the main character getting back the Shinigami powers he had seemingly lost forever.
2) Bleach opening 9, Velonica by Aqua Timez

Velonica’s energy is just overwhelming. The rap part exalts the beautiful shots of the Gotei captains and lieutenants, all distinguished by a masterful color temperature that epitomizes each character’s uniqueness.
In a perceivable crescendo, the combination of visuals and music generates a potent drive, building up the mood of the confrontation with Aizen's side. Spanning from the Gotei members to the Vizards and Urahara's group, everyone gathers for the decisive battle.
1) Bleach opening 12, Change by Miwa

It’s hard to define the best Bleach opening, as all the franchise’s intros have their own quirk, but Change probably stands out as the flashiest. True to its title, Change features a constantly evolving visual feast, spanning from static shots to fast-paced fighting sequences.
Vibrant, dynamic, and action-packed, this opening is just a banger in every respect. Framed by captivating pop music, the visuals come one after another with flawless transitions, depicting all the major characters and the battles they are involved in.
The conclusive part, with Orihime reaching for Ulquiorra’s hand, the battle between Ichigo and Segunda Etapa Ulquiorra, and the foreshadowing of Ichigo’s Vasto Lorde transformation, elevates the emotional impact to peaks never reached before nor after.
Keep up with Bleach's manga and the Bleach TYBW anime as 2023 progresses.