One Piece ranks among the most popular anime and manga series of all time. Mesmerizing adventures, sincere bonds, stunning environments, fierce fights, and thrilling revelations, all mixed with ever-present humor, are just some of the reasons that allowed it to keep its readers and viewers engaged for several decades.
One Piece features countless characters whose storylines are all masterfully intertwined by the franchise's creator, Eiichiro Oda. Even though the series is still many years ahead before its conclusion, the story has recently entered its endgame. Hopefully, the final saga will fulfill the story's immense narrative potential, developing all the subplots.
While some questions regarding the lore of One Piece have already been answered, plenty of them are still left unresolved. Keep reading to know what secrets will eventually be revealed as Eiichiro Oda's beautiful story goes on.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from the One Piece manga up to chapter 1094.
Complete list of all secrets that One Piece is yet to disclose as of chapter 1094

After Luffy awakened the real powers of his Devil Fruit, the Mythical Zoan-type Human-Human Model: Nika, his heartbeat took on the sound of the Drums of Liberation, causing him to enter a form called Gear 5.
Following this event, Zunesha stated that Joy Boy had returned. This implied that Luffy became the new Joy Boy 800 years after the previous one. According to some fans, "Red Hair" Shanks was aware of the true nature of the Nika-Nika Fruit and deliberately allowed Luffy to eat it.

Here are some of the secrets yet to be revealed in this regard:
- Who was Joy Boy? - This legendary figure left items of unimaginable value on the last island of the Grand Line.
- What is the Adam Tree? - This tree gives the strongest, highest-quality wood in the world. It was used to build the Roger Pirates' Oro Jackson and the Straw Hat Pirates' Thousand Sunny.
- What is the Sunlight Tree Eve? - A colossal tree that supplies air to the ocean floor and absorbs sunlight, it's probably connected with the Treasure Tree Adam.
- What is Roger and Luffy’s true dream? - Both the past and the future Pirate King share a mysterious ambition that goes even beyond finding the One Piece treasure.
- Who are the Gods? - Luffy allegedly has the powers of the Sun God, but the series also mentioned the existence of the Rain God, the Forest God, and the Earth God.
- Is Loki a villain? - The current prince of Elbaf, the land of giants, is rumored to be an evil character.
- Who is Luffy’s mother? - So far, nothing is known about Luffy's mother and how she met Dragon, the young pirate's father.
- What is Shanks' true goal? - Shanks said he wants to compete for the One Piece now, but no one really knows what the mysterious and yet charming "Red Hair" truly aims for.
- Does Shanks come from a family of Celestial Dragons? - A one-year-old Shanks was found abandoned in God Valley, an incident that involved the Celestial Dragons.

To this day, Monkey D. Dragon is a massive wild card. Fans can't wait to see what the abilities of the World's Worst Criminal are and what beliefs guide his actions as the founder and leader of the Revolutionary Army.
Marshall D. Teach "Blackbeard," "Red Hair" Shanks, and "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk are all insanely powerful fighters and intriguing characters who are bound to play a major role in the climax of the One Piece story.

Here are some of the secrets yet to be revealed involving these characters:
- What did Roger tell Shanks after witnessing the One Piece? - Back from visiting Laugh Tale, Roger whispered a few words to Shanks, after which the latter started crying.
- Did Shanks set up everything that happened to Luffy? - Shanks only made his move to the One Piece after Luffy revealed himself as the next Joy Boy. Considering that Luffy obtained the Nika-Nika Fruit from Shanks, many fans believe that the "Red Hair" planned everything in advance.
- Who is the pirate with the eye patch? - Oda declared that this particular individual will appear in the final moments of the story.
- What is Blackbeard’s connection to Xebec? - Marshall D. Teach "Blackbeard" named his ship "Saber of Xebec," which hints at a connection between him and the dreadful Rocks D. Xebec.
- What is the treasure of Mary Geoise? - Somewhere inside Mary Geoise's Pangaea Castle is hidden a treasure that, according to Doflamingo, could potentially shake the world.
- Is Kuzan truly a member of the Blackbeard Pirates? - After leaving the Navy, former Admiral Kuzan "Aokiji" seemingly joined Teach. Still, Kuzan declared to Smoker that he is "always the same person."
- What is the secret of Mihawk's eyes? - Imu-sama and the World's Strongest Swordsman, Dracule Mihawk, share the same scary eyes, with red irises and black rings around the pupils.
- Who is the man marked by flames? - Also known as "The Man with the Burned Scar," this individual possesses key information regarding how to find the One Piece treasure.
- Is Edward Weevil truly Whitebeard's son? - According to Miss Buckin, Weevil is the biological son of the former Emperor and World's Strongest Man, Edward Newgate "Whitebeard."

Some details of the series are simply surrealistic, but they will probably make more sense once they are explained. For instance, this is the case of Mary Geoise's giant straw hat, the enormous egg on Gol D. Roger's ship, or the fact that inanimate objects can eat Devil Fruits just like any living being.
Here are some more secrets yet to be revealed in the series:
- How is a Black Blade forged? - Permanently imbued with Armament Haki, the Black Blades are the most powerful swords of all. However, no one knows how they are created.
- What is the power of Monkey D. Dragon? - Dragon is bound to be immensely strong, but his actual abilities are yet to be disclosed.
- Why did Dragon create the Revolutionary Army? - It's still unknown why Dragon founded an organization whose ultimate goal is to overthrow the World Government.
- Where is Emerald City? - This legendary metropolis was directly compared to Skypiea's City of Gold.
- How can non-living beings eat Devil Fruits? - The process by which swords and other weapons can consume Devil Fruits and obtain their powers has never been explained.
- What is the connection between Shanks and the Five Elders? - Despite being a notorious pirate, Shanks was unexpectedly granted the FIve Elders a private audience.
- What was the huge egg on the Oro Jackson? - Strangely enough, on the Roger Pirates' ship, there was an enormous polka-dotted egg.
- What do the six moons in the Ohara library represent? - In Nico Robin's flashback of Ohara, inside the library, there was a model of the world surrounded by six satellites.
- What is the giant straw hat? - In a freezing room inside the Pangaea Castle is a huge straw hat that Imu-sama was once seen checking.

One of the most advantageous Devil Fruits featured in the series, the Ope-Ope is also very important plot-wise, as it's highly hinted that in the past, someone forced the previous user of this ability to grant him perennial youth.
Here are some of the secrets yet to be revealed in this regard:
- How did Kurozumi Higurashi know Shiki? - It would be interesting to know in which circumstances Kurozumi Higurashi, Orochi's grandmother, met "Golden Lion" Shiki.
- Who received the Immortal Surgery of the Ope-Ope Fruit? - In exchange for the user's own life, the Ope-Ope Fruit can grant another person eternal youth. For this effect to be known, it means that someone must have benefited from it in the past.
- Who is Oden's wife, Toki Amatsuki? - Born about 830 years before the present narration, Toki used a Devil Fruit power to jump forward in time. She might have known major information regarding the Void Century.
- What happened to Zoro’s left eye? - After the time skip, Zoro's left eye is permanently closed and has an evident scar. It might just be a result of Zoro's hard training under Mihawk's tutelage, but many fans believe that there's more to it.
- What is the secret between Crocodile and Ivankov? - Emporio Ivankov is the only person to know a certain secret about Crocodile that the latter wouldn't want to be revealed at any cost.
- Why did Kuma become the slave of the World Government? - For unknown reasons, at one point, Bartholomew Kuma allowed Vegapunk to turn him into a mindless cyborg on behalf of the World Government.
- What are the identities of the Holy Knights? - A group of nine guards with jurisdiction over disputes between Celestial Dragons, no member of them has been shown except for the leader, Saint Garling Figarland.
- Is Garling Figarland the father of Shanks? - Having played a major role in God Valley, the same place where an infant Shanks was found, it's possible that Garling is his biological father, especially as Shanks is rumored to be a former member of the Figarland Family.
- For what crime was Zunisha punished? - During the Void Century, Zunisha, who was a faithful companion of Joy Boy, was sentenced to walk the seas for eternity as punishment for a certain crime.

In the meanders of the past, important events have almost been forgotten, such as the disappearance of Nefertari Lili, the Queen of Arabasta during the Void Century, or the inexplicable demise of the all-powerful Lunarian race.
Here are some of the secrets yet to be revealed in this regard:
- What is the secret of Blackbeard's unique body? - Marshall D. Teach "Blackbeard" never sleeps, which seems absurd for a human. Moreover, he is the only known character who can eat two Devil Fruits and wield their powers simultaneously.
- What is Captain John’s treasure? - A former member of the Rocks Pirates, John eventually collected an immense treasure, which is said to be one of the most fabled riches in the world.
- What happened to Queen Nefertari Lili? - Unlike all the other monarchs who founded the Ancient Alliance, Lili didn't want to become a Celestial Dragon. She tried to leave Mary Geoise and return to Arabasta, but she never made it to her homeland, disappearing without leaving a trace.
- What is the Iron Giant? - In Egghead lies an enormous robot that, for unknown reasons, attacked Mary Geoise two centuries before the present narration. As Luffy entered its Gear 5 form, the Iron Giant suddenly activated.
- What drives Bartholomew Kuma now? - Reduced to a mindless slave in the hands of the Celestial Dragons, Kuma was freed by the Revolutionaries, his former comrades. However, he suddenly used his Devil Fruit powers to warp himself back into Mary Geoise.
- What is Kuma's unspecified special race? - Kuma was said to be part of a certain peculiar race the World Government was interested in.
- How did the Lunarians go extinct? - Hailed as a race of gods for their exceptional abilities, the Lunarians suddenly disappeared, with Alber, later known as "King," being the only survivor of the powerful tribe.
- What truly is the Mother Flame? - A substance produced by Vegapunk, it can be used to vaporize entire islands in an instant. It's unknown if it's related to Vegapunk's research about creating his own sun and if it was the cause of the giant hole below Enies Lobby.
- Who built the Noah and why? - An enormous ship created during the Void Century, the Noah's exact origins and purposes are unknown. Still, it will be important for an unspecified event that is set to happen soon.

Given the sheer amount of characters, organizations, events, and subplots featured in One Piece, the series' lore is virtually limitless. After more than 25 years of serialization, there are many more questions to answer than those answered:
- Who is the man that Crocus met? - On the cover of One Piece chapter 631, former Roger Pirates member Crocus is shown drinking with a mysterious individual, whose identity is purposely hidden as he is depicted from behind.
- Who are Nami's biological parents? - Nami's real parents were never revealed, as she was adopted by Bell-mère, who found her on a battlefield.
- What is the backstory of Zoro's family? - Zoro's roots are tied with the Shimotsuki Family, possibly dating back to the unparalleled "Sword God" Ryuma.
- What is the origin of Devil Fruits? - According to Vegapunk, Devil Fruits are the result of people's wishes, and those who eat them are punished with the inability to swim as they have gone against the mother of nature. So far, however, these are all assumptions on his part.
- Who are the mysterious entities mentioned by the Sea Kings - Called by Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi, the Sea Kings said that they would need help from certain unspecified individuals to fix the Noah.
- What exactly is the Voice of All Things? - A few One Piece characters are somehow able to communicate with creatures and even inanimate objects without any speech, akin to telepathy.
- Why did the Roger Pirates laugh after seeing the One Piece? - Upon witnessing the legendary treasure, Roger, Rayleigh, and the others burst into laughter for unknown reasons. As such, they called the island where they found it "Laugh Tale."
- Why was Roger "too early"?- After seeing what the One Piece consisted of, Roger said that he and his men were "too early" and that he would have liked to live in the time of Joy Boy.
- What is the God Valley Incident? - 38 years before the present narration, Garp and Roger teamed up to protect the Celestial Dragons and their slaves from the Rocks Pirates. The island of God Valley has since disappeared without leaving a trace.

While the present One Piece events are important, fans are possibly even more hyped for the flashback regarding certain characters from the past, including Rocks D. Xebec, the man the World Government feared the most.
- What is Lodestar Island? - All the various paths in the Grand Line lead to Lodestar, which is the last island before Laugh Tale. So far, only the Roger Pirates have reached Lodestar, but it was never shown.
- Where is the All Blue? - The place where the East Blue, West Blue, North Blue, and South Blue seas meet, the All Blue is a legendary ocean whose actual location no one knows.
- Where is the fourth and final Road Poneglyph? - By collecting all four Road Poneglyphs, it's possible to locate Laugh Tale and thus find the One Piece. The locations of three of them are known, but it's currently unknown where the fourth one lies.
- What is the Oni race? - Humans with demonic features and exceptional physical capabilities, the members of the Oni race are still a mystery.
- What happened to the Three-Eyed tribe? - Almost nothing is known about these people, except for the fact that some members of this race can awaken their third eye to hear the Voice of All Things and read Poneglyphs.
- Who is Rocks D. Xebec? - The World Government feared Xebec so much that, after his demise in God Valley, they erased every trace of his life from history. Certainly, Xebec was an outstanding fighter, but probably his importance goes deeper than that.
- What is the "Dawn of the world"? - Minks Tribe member Pedro once speculated that Luffy and his friends are the ones who will guide the "Dawn of the World," a moment that the Kozuki Clan and the Minks have been waiting for centuries.
- What is the bridge in Tequila Wolf? - Upon demand of the Celestial Dragons, for the past 700 years, countless slaves have been working at the construction of a bridge that should connect various islands but actually conduces nowhere.
- What happened during the Rocky Port Incident? - During the time skip, Law was responsible for an incident as a result of which former Rocks Pirates member Ochoku was defeated by Blackbeard, with Navy officer Koby's unexpected help.

Since their first mention in the story, not much has been disclosed about the fearsome Ancient Weapons, which means that this subject will be among the main topics of the long-awaited final saga.
Here are some of the secrets yet to be revealed in this regard:
- What are the Ancient Weapon Pluton and Uranus? - Among the three mass weapons, only Poseidon has been fully revealed, while not much is known about the other two, Pluton and Uranus.
- What were the giant silhouettes in the Florian Triangle? - Within the seas of the Florian Triangle dwell some unidentified entities. Based on their silhouettes, they are so big that their magnitude trumps that of Thriller Bark, an island-sized pirate ship.
- How was the Red Line created? - A ring-like continent that encompasses the entire world, the Red Line limits where people can go. Thus, some fans believe that it was created by the World Government to stop all seas from converging together.
- What does Dragon's tattoo mean? - 22 years before the present narration, when he witnessed Roger's execution, Dragon didn't have the tattoo that now adorns his face, which hints at the tramp having a distinct meaning.
- How will Luffy destroy Fishman Island? - Based on the prediction from Madam Shyarly, Luffy will eventually destroy Fishman Island. Most likely, its inhabitants will no longer live there but on the surface, under the real sun, with the rest of the races.
- What happened between Joy Boy and Poseidon? - Having failed in his commitment for unknown reasons, Joy Boy left an apology to the original Poseidon written on the Ryugu Poneglyph in the Sea Forest.

In addition to seeing the protagonists achieving their dreams, as well as the legendary icons of the series finally getting proper focus, what truly keeps fans engaged after a decade is the wish to finally know the true history of the One Piece world.
Despite the World Government's attempt to hide the events of the Void Century and the truth about the Ancient Kingdom, the truth will eventually come out, overwhelming those who tried to hide it, including Imu-sama and the Five Elders.

Here are some of the secrets yet to be revealed in this regard:
- What was the Ancient Kingdom? - Several centuries before One Piece's present narration, there was a vast and powerful kingdom. However, its history and all mentions of it have been erased, with even its name remaining a secret.
- What are the powers of the Five Elders? - The five highest-ranked Celestial Dragons, the Five Elders, aren't just politicians but warriors who can turn themselves into frightening creatures, possibly using a Devil Fruit ability.
- Who is Imu-sama? - A cryptic figure that gives direct orders to the Five Elders, Imu-sama is the real leader of the World Government and probably the final villain of the One Piece series.
- Is Saint Nerona Imu from 800 years ago and Imu-sama the same person? - One of the twenty monarchs who established the alliance that evolved into the present-day World Government, Saint Nerona Imu could very well be the actual occupant of the Empty Throne.
- Are the Five Elders immortal? - The Five Elders don't seem to age at all, as there is no visible difference between their current appearance and how they looked during the Ohara flashback, which happened more than 20 years ago.
- What is the Void Century? - To overthrow the Ancient Kingdom 800 years ago, 20 realms formed an alliance that eventually evolved into the World Government. As no information about that era is available, this blank period is called the "Void Century."
- What is the Will of D.? - Some One Piece characters have the initial "D." in their names. The meaning of its mysterious trait has been hinted at but never been totally disclosed.
- What is the One Piece treasure? - The nature of the legendary treasure remains a mystery, but it seems that it consists of a series of items that allowed the Roger Pirates to discover the truth about some of the world's greatest secrets, including the Void Century, the Will of D., and the Ancient Weapons.
Only after overcoming the tyrannical World Government will Luffy truly be the freest man in the world. That will also be the moment fans will know every detail about the greatest mysteries of the franchise, starting with the meaning of the Will of D. and the nature of the One Piece treasure.
Keep up with One Piece's manga, anime, and live-action as 2023 progresses.