The anime adaptation of Mikito Chinen's Ameku Takao's Detective Karte (also known as Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective) novel series surpassed all expectations and became one of the ongoing Winter 2025 season's most well-received anime series.
The popular medical mystery series introduced viewers to the unique character of Takao Ameku, an impulsive yet genius doctor who also works as a detective to aid the police with cases too difficult for them to pinpoint.
The anime aired its first episode in Japan on Thursday, January 2, 2025. It has been slated for a one-cour run with 12 episodes. Given that the anime is already 3 episodes in, fans are eager to know the full release schedule of the anime. With that in mind, follow the article to learn the complete details of the anime's full release schedule.
How many episodes will Ameku Takao's Detective Karte anime have?
As per the details shared by the anime's official website, Ameku Takao's Detective Karte will air 12 episodes. The unique medical mystery anime from the Winter 2025 line-up is expected to broadcast its episodes in a single cour.
The series began premiering in Japan on Thursday, January 2, 2025, on television channels like TOKYO MX and BS11, at 12 AM JST. At the time of this article's writing, three episodes of the anime have been released.
Fans should note that the fourth episode was initially slated to be released in Japan on Thursday, January 16, 2025, as per the usual timing. However, a recent announcement stated that the fourth episode has been delayed and will instead be airing on January 23, 2025, in Japan, at the same time.
Here's the complete release schedule for Ameku Takao's Detective Karte anime, as per the PST, GMT, and IST timings:
The above table showcases the anime's expected full release schedule, but fans must note that the dates and timings mentioned are subject to change. So far, only one episode, i.e. episode 4 of Ameku Takao's Detective Karte anime has been delayed.
Where to watch Ameku Takao's Detective Karte anime
Anime fans from Japan can watch the Ameku Takao's Detective Karte anime on Japanese television channels like TOKYO MX, Tochigi Television, Gunma Television, BS11, Chukyo Television, Yomiuri TV, and Animax.
The episodes will also be available on distribution platforms like U-NEXT, Unlimited Anime, Anime Times, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, ABEMA, d Anime Store, Lemino, Bandai Channel, Hulu, and many others. As for viewers worldwide, the episodes will be available to stream online on Crunchyroll.
What is the plot of Ameku Takao's Detective Karte?
The story primarily focuses on Takao Ameku, a genius doctor-detective, who works as the Head of the Investigative Pathology Department and vice director of Tenikai General Hospital. Using her medical expertise and vast knowledge, coupled with her exceptional analytical and deductive capabilities, Takao takes on and solves cases that even the police find difficult to pinpoint.
In the first couple of episodes, Takao tackled and solved the case of a man with "blue blood", whose leg was seemingly bitten off by an abnormally large animal. In fact, she simply used her observational and deductive skills to solve the case in a few hours, which would have undoubtedly taken the police weeks, if not months to solve.
With a simplistic yet intriguing premise, Mikito Chinen's series presents a unique combination of medical, mystery, and detective elements that keep audiences at the edge of their seats. Stay tuned for the upcoming episode 4 of the Ameku Takao's Detective Karte anime, which will be aired in Japan on January 23, 2025.
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