When One Piece fans explore beyond the series' massive horizons, a common green flag tends to be series with anime characters like Monkey D. Dragon. Despite being one of the least fleshed-out characters in the entire series as of this article’s writing, Dragon has likely one of the largest fan bases within the community.
While his enigmatic origins, goals, and motivations make it difficult to draw connections to other anime characters, there are truly many which fit the same or a similar bill. In fact, even within his own series and the Big 3 shonen anime, there are several anime characters like Monkey D. Dragon from One Piece.
10 anime characters like Monkey D. Dragon from One Piece
1) Shanks

Thanks to recent canon reveals on the origins of both, fellow One Piece character Shanks is one of many characters like Monkey D. Dragon. For example, Shanks was revealed to canonically have an adopted daughter named Uta, making him also a somewhat absentee father in her life. While this is for her own good like Dragon, it’s nevertheless a parallel between them.
Shanks is also making his own unknown moves behind-the-scenes, with his exact motivations and goals unknown. While Dragon’s goal of abolishing the World Government is at least known, his motivations and to what end he wants to overthrow the World Government aren’t. The two are also both theorized to be some of the series’ strongest fighters, despite rarely showing their stuff (or never in Dragon’s case).
2) Itachi Uchiha

While a confusing entry on the surface, Itachi Uchiha is undoubtedly one of many characters like Monkey D. Dragon from One Piece. Much like Dragon and Luffy, Itachi separated himself from his living family member Sasuke Uchiha for his own good and prosperity after being branded a heinous criminal and enemy of the state.
The two’s true motives and goals are also constantly shifting if known at all, with Itachi’s objectives and motivations constantly changing as the Naruto series progresses. While Dragon hasn’t received exactly the same treatment, both are characters who essentially keep or are keeping fans guessing on them until the end of their series.
3) Madara Uchiha

Whereas an emotional parallel can be drawn between Itachi and Dragon, Madara Uchiha is one of many characters like Monkey D. Dragon in the role they play in the series. Both Madara and Dragon are relatively mysterious forces which take backseats while having others go fight on the front lines to complete their goals, such as Obito Uchiha and the Revolutionary Army.
The two are also from a “past generation” in each of their respective series, albeit with the age difference for Madara being much greater than for Dragon. In either scenario, however, they serve as destructive forces which could completely reshape the landscape of their series’ worlds if given the proper resources.
4) Sosuke Aizen

Sosuke Aizen is considered one of many characters like Monkey D. Dragon for the reasons harped on above. Both are meticulous planners whose true motivations and goals are always seemingly shifting or never truly and fully revealed. Again, both have also shown to prefer letting their subordinates take direct action and leading from a distance until absolutely necessary.
One key difference between them does exist, with Aizen wanting to pursue personal gain and Dragon seemingly leading the Revolutionary Army for the good of the series’ world. Despite this difference in personality and nature, however, their methodology and the way they go about leadership is very similar.
5) Ging Freecss

Without a doubt, Hunter x Hunter’s Ging Freecss is yet another of many anime characters like Monkey D. Dragon. For starters, both chose to abandon their duties of fatherhood in order to pursue their own personal goals, leaving their respective sons in the care of other relatives. In Gon’s case, it’s his Aunt Mito, and in Luffy’s it’s his grandfather (and Dragon’s father), Garp.
Both are also legendary figures in their respective series, with Ging revered as an incredibly skilled hunter and Dragon notoriously known as the Revolutionary Army’s leader. Although their situations of notoriety are very different, it’s nevertheless a common ground between the pair.
6) Van Hohenheim

Despite the connection not being clear on the surface, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood’s Van Hohenheim is most definitely one of many anime characters like Monkey D. Dragon. As mentioned with Ging, Van Hohenheim also abandoned his two children, Edward and Alphonse, leaving them in the care of a close family friend rather than a relative like in Dragon’s case.
The pair’s origins are also largely enigmatic for a majority of their respective series, with Hohenheim’s detailed flashback coming in the anime’s second half and Dragon’s yet to arrive in Oda’s manga, let alone the anime. The two are also shown to be willing to come out of hiding and help their sons when they need it most, as seen with Hohenheim appearing in the final stages of the battle against the Homunculi and Dragon helping Luffy at Loguetown.
7) Lelouch Lamperouge

Better known as Lelouch vi Britannia, the Code Geass protagonist is one of many anime characters like Monkey D. Dragon for more reasons than their surface-level similarities. Both obviously lead rebellions, but are more specifically rebelling against systems of which they were high-level members. Dragon had a nepotism connection in the Marines by way of being Garp’s son, and Lelouch is actually the former prince of the Britannian Empire he now fights.
The two are also fairly similar in their tactics when leading their respective rebellions, albeit with Lelouch being more willing to go to the front lines. Nevertheless, he does spend the majority of his time plotting and instructing his own forces on what to do while also manipulating allies and enemies alike.
8) Najenda

While Akame ga Kill!’s Najenda is one of the least recognizable entrants, she’s no less relevant than any other characters like Monkey D. Dragon. Both rebel against a system that controls the world they live in on the grounds of said system committing injustices knowingly. The two also both care very much about their subordinates and are also primarily leading from the rear rather than engaging enemies on the front lines.
9) Suguru Geto

As has been mentioned several times above, the main reason Jujutsu Kaisen’s Suguru Geto is one of many anime characters like Monkey D. Dragon stems from their shared act of rebellion.
Following the death of Riko Amanai, Geto came to hate the jujutsu world, and view non-sorcerer humans as a lesser race which he needed to extinguish. While Dragon’s goals are much more just, he likely feels similarly toward the World Government and the Marines.
Furthermore, while Dragon’s exact origins are unknown, his will likely be revealed as similar to Geto’s in terms of being sparked by the death of a cherished friend or loved one. Beyond the above, the two also lead their own respective groups which they created with the intent of rebelling against their respective despised systems.
10) All For One

Last but certainly not least, My Hero Academia’s All For One is one of many anime characters like Monkey D. Dragon for the same reasons harped on above. Both rebel against a system they view as flawed or needing to be torn down, and both also tend to lead from the rear while instructing their soldiers on what to do.
However, one key difference between them is exactly why they rebel against their respective systems. Whereas Dragon wants to “fix” the world by eliminating the World Government, All For One admits several times that he wants to see the world in chaos and dominated by evil.
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