Yuta Okkotsu has been one of the most popular characters in the Jujutsu Kaisen series, especially after the release of the prequel movie. He was an average teenager who gained immense curse energy when he accidentally turned Rika into a cursed spirit. However, that just turned him into a powerful sorcerer later in the franchise. But one crucial segment that many fans loved in the movie was the interactions between him and his classmate, Maki Zenin.
Maki is one of the most resilient and independent characters in the series. Her mental toughness is unmatched, which can sometimes result in her being quite harsh on her classmates. Many fans ship these two characters, especially when we look into the dynamics of their relationship in Jujutsu Kaisen 0.
That being said, Jujutsu Kaisen fans want to understand if their relationship has been confirmed in the series, as in whether or not it is canon to the storyline.
Disclaimer: This article might contain spoilers from the Jujutsu Kaisen manga.
Understanding Yuta Okkotsu and Maki Zenin's relationship in Jujutsu Kaisen

One of the main reasons why fans had this question is due to their interactions at Jujutsu High. While Maki was her usual self, Yuta Okkotsu was one of the first people to compliment her for being strong and resilient. Maki didn’t expect such a response, but as the time progressed, the two got closer.
Suffice to say, this cannot be looked at as a confirmation of their romantic relationship. Ever since their interactions in Jujutsu Kaisen 0, fans have been shipping both these characters. The duo has had a nice dynamic, and fans enjoy it whenever the two share screen time, but it is not enough source material to understand their feelings for each other.
In chapter 144, when Yuta saw Maki, he expressed his excitement at seeing her after a really long time. There was another instance in the Jujutsu Kaisen series that not only hinted at the possibility of their relationship but also showed characters within the series that suspected Maki potentially being interested in Yuta Okkotsu.
This video section was in the prequel movie when Yuta was a new addition to the Tokyo Jujutsu High. Maki, as a weapons expert, was responsible for Yuta’s training. During one of their sparring sessions, Panda had a small revelation and told Maki that she stood a chance. He implied that Maki had a shot at being in a romantic relationship with Yuta Okkotsu.
These are some of the reasons why fans suspect that the two might be interested in each other or pursue a romantic relationship in the future. However, we must also account for Yuta’s feelings towards Rika. It’ll be tough for him to get over the death of his dear friend, whom he had promised to marry one day. This brings us to the main issue at hand - Yuta's relationship with Maki.

Even if one excludes the possibility of romance from their relationship, there has been ambiguity regarding their feelings for each other. Yuta admires Maki for her strength and character, and the latter's feelings towards the former has been limited to friendship in the series. In addition, given the action-packed arc that the series is going through, it will be long before Gege Akutami explores the true nature of their feelings for each other.
By no means does a relationship with Maki Zenin currently impossible, but it might take some time before their relationship becomes canon in the Jujutsu Kaisen franchise. That being said, as of now, Maki Zenin and Yuta Okkotsu are not in a romantic relationship.
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