One of the most controversial aspects of Attack on Titan’s anime adaptation was the switch in the animation studio from WIT to MAPPA for the anime’s fourth and final season. While many fans were heavily opinionated on this topic, the switch ended up not being as disastrous as many naysayers had initially thought it to be.
While there have been some controversial aspects to this switch, for instance, the use of CGI animation, fans have unanimously agreed it to be at the very least a neutral change in quality. Another aspect of the switch that many fans agree to have is Attack on Titan’s fan-favorite Mikasa Ackerman.
Follow along as this article fully explains why MAPPA was the best thing that happened to Mikasa in the Attack on Titan anime series.
Fans’ love for post-time-skip Mikasa in Attack on Titan’s final season is largely credited to MAPPA Studios’ adaptation work
Why MAPPA was so good for Mikasa
As aforementioned, the final season of the Attack on Titan anime adaptation saw the series switch studios from WIT to MAPPA. While many initially professed this switch to be cataclysmic, it ended up bringing a positive effect, with a few sore spots that depend on individual preferences.
Nevertheless, it’s clear looking back that the switch to MAPPA was, if not good, at least tolerable in the change in animation style and overall quality. One particular positive on which many fans agree is how fantastic everything about Mikasa is in the series’ fourth and final season.
Upon her debut, fans initially raved at how beautiful her sorrowful and mourning expression to Eren had been during the Liberio Raid. There was also her new post-timeskip character design, featuring a new haircut and showing her to be an “all grown up” version of herself compared to what fans saw in the third season.
Another major positive fact from the switch comes from fans’ noticing that her obsession with Eren was toned more in line with the source material than in its previous seasons. This led many to recognize that WIT Studios had taken Mikasa’s character and made her much more obsessive with Eren than she originally was in the source material.
One particular instance of this is when the pair encounter Dina Fritz in her Titan form, the same Titan who had eaten Eren’s mother several years prior. The manga sees a much more subtle, devoted side of Mikasa’s desire to protect Eren. On the other hand, WIT Studio’s anime adaptation sees her beginning to cry in an overdramatic attempt to let out her romantic feelings.
The effects in both adaptations are greatly different, with the anime suggesting Mikasa to be almost obsessively in love with and protective over Eren. The manga, meanwhile, portrays her as an extremely close friend who simply wants to ensure that the person who matters to her most in her life isn’t forced to go through any unnecessary pain.
As a result, many fans agree that MAPPA Studios’ taking over the fourth and final season of the Attack on Titan anime was one of the best decisions to portray the manga version of Mikasa perfectly. This is especially true when considering how much character development she has undergone during that time, as well as how much of that development is relative to her and Eren’s relationship.
Be sure to keep up with all Attack on Titan anime news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2022 progresses.