One of the most popular aspects of Attack on Titan’s story is the concept of the Nine Titans, which humans can shift into to utilize their powers. The most famous of these is easily protagonist Eren Yeager, who wields the Attack and Founding Titan’s powers simultaneously.
Many other enemies and allies throughout Attack on Titan also use the powers of the Nine. These are even used to launch offensives on Paradis Island, which is the catalyst for Attack on Titan’s story and Eren’s journey.
Here is every Attack on Titan character with a Titan Shifting power, ranked from weakest to strongest in their Titan form.
Attack on Titan's most powerful Shifters dominated by Attack Titan users
19) Karl Fritz

The original Founding Titan to instil the promise of non-violence, Karl Fritz is easily the weakest Titan Shifter. He was a pacifist at heart and imposed this will on himself and the Founding Titan inheritors that followed.
18) Uri Reiss

As an inheritor of the Founding Titan bound by Karl Fritz’s will, Uri Reiss was also a pacifist who did not fight. However, he seemed to at least have the strength and combat knowledge to detect a sneakily approaching Kenny Ackerman, saving his own life in the process.
17) Frieda Reiss

Likewise, as the last royal inheritor, the Founding Titan in Attack on Titan, Frieda Reiss was also bound to pacifism. However, she was at least able to defend herself and her family when the time came, and Grisha Yeager stood before them with intentions of violence.
16) Tom Ksaver

Tom Ksaver's Beast Titan was claimed by Tom himself to not be useful in war. Its ranking above other Titans comes from the big-horn sheep appearance it had, which could certainly be more useful in combat than pacifistic or mobility Titans.
15) Pieck Finger

Likewise, Pieck’s Cart Titan is somewhat lacking by itself in terms of combat, as seen throughout Attack on Titan’s final season. When strapped with weaponry, it’s a force to be reckoned with. On its own, its primary uses and viability are related to travel and transport.
14) Falco Grice

Although capable in combat, Falco Grice’s Jaw Titan is primarily meant for travel and mobility purposes, as evidenced by its bird-like form. It’s certainly the weakest of the Jaw Titans and one of the weakest Nine Titans in the series overall.
13) Ymir

Although her Jaw Titan was fairly impressive, Ymir had no formal training with the form and rarely used it. She was still a capable fighter against the standard Titans, yet she’d likely be quickly defeated fighting another shifter.
12) Marcel Galliard

As a Jaw Titan wielder, Marcel Galliard is inherently at an advantage due to the quick and ferocious nature of his specific Jaw Titan. Despite quickly dying on Paradis Island, he was trained from childhood to wield the power, likely making him a combative force to be reckoned with.
11) Porco Galliard

Likewise, Porco Galliard had even more training than his brother did when he received the Jaw Titan. He was incredibly impressive when wielding its powers, even down to his last moments, and fighting in the Jaw Titan form.
10) Annie Leonhart

Annie Leonhart’s Female Titan is fairly middle of the pack in the grand scheme of Attack on Titan.
Its combat skills are solid yet can certainly be outranked, while its support skills are useful yet certainly not the most useful in the series. All in all, her Female Titan is one of the most balanced in Attack on Titan.
9) Eren Kruger

Eren Kruger's Attack Titan quite literally has Attack in the name, exemplifying its devastating offensive potential. The Future Sight ability it grants its wielders is also incredibly useful, helping to guide Kruger to make the decisions he must to achieve his goals.
8) Armin Arlert

Although his Colossal Titan is certainly destructive, Armin Arlert’s experience with fighting in the form is severely lacking. While its destructive power is impressive as it relates to the environment around him, he’s inexperienced in how to fight sentient beings in the form.
7) Bertholdt Hoover

Getting the nod over Armin because of his training, Bertholdt Hoover’s Colossal Titan is both destructive and combat-ready. Being trained for the role since childhood allows Bertholdt’s Titan to be in the top third strongest in Attack on Titan.
6) Lara Tybur

Despite losing to Eren Yeager, Lara Tybur’s Warhammer Titan is still impressive. Her destructive powers push him to his limits, and there are even times when it looks as though she may win the battle.
Even though this doesn’t happen, her performance is still impressive, ranking her extremely high on this list.
5) Grisha Yeager

Grisha Yeager’s Attack Titan is incredibly powerful and intimidating, being extremely stocky and tall in stature.
His expertise with the power is shown during his assault on the Reiss family, where he slaughters them all with minimal injuries or trouble.
4) Zeke Yeager

Zeke Yeager’s Beast Titan is strong in a number of ways, from its ability to create Titans to its grip strength which allows it to crush boulders.
Although somewhat lanky and strange-looking, his Titan form is one of Attack on Titan’s most powerful.
3) Reiner Braun

Reiner Braun’s Armored Titan is strong enough to go toe-to-toe with Eren Yeager’s Attack Titan multiple times, even winning some of the matchups.
The Titan’s destructive power is also impressive, running through walls and buildings like they’re paper mache.
2) Eren Yeager

Coming in at the second most powerful Titan shifter in all of Attack on Titan is Eren Yeager. He’s able to master both the Attack Titan’s offensive power, as well as its Future Sight ability.
He also possesses both the Warhammer Titan and Founding Titan by the series’ end, making him superior to all but one.
1) Ymir Fritz

As Attack on Titan’s grandmother of all Titan Shifters, Ymir Fritz is undoubtedly the most powerful in the series. The powers of all Nine dwelled within her before eventually splitting off, making her a one-woman army.
Her skill with her Titan Form enabled the Eldian Empire to not only prosper but flourish and spread across entire continents.
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This article was modified on Monday, June 26, at 17:11 pm.