The story of the Attack on Titan anime has reached its conclusion after a journey of 10 long years, and fans now have mixed emotions. The tale of Eren Yeager will undoubtedly leave its mark on the anime community for years to come.
However, the way the series came to an end has left its audience with numerous questions and doubts. One such doubt is regarding the identity of an old man shown in a post-credit scene. As speculations circulate online about his identity, the Attack on Titan fanbase seems to be split in two: one believes it was Armin, while the other believes him to be Jean.
Post-credits of Attack on Titan's final episode maintain a degree of uncertainty
Since the Attack on Titan finale’s post-credit scene opts for a wide-angle shot, the events unfolding in them are somewhat unclear. The series deliberately leaves certain aspects vague, so speculations are the only recourse for fans. Given the doubts among the audience, here is a description of what happens in the post-credit scene and some speculations about it.
The post-credit scenes begin with the group of Scouts and Warriors, upon their return to Paradis, paying a visit to Eren’s grave and meeting Mikasa under that tree. Thereafter, the scenes fast forward to a few years later, showing a couple, presumably Mikasa and Jean, visiting the grave with their child. This tradition continued until Mikasa’s death, with her body still adorned with the scarf that Eren gave her.
The sequence following her death hints that she was given a burial under the same hilltop tree where her beloved Eren rests. Afterward, the scenes fast forward to show a time skip of the events happening around the tree over many years.
Exploring the identity of the old man
Throughout the post-credit scenes of Attack on Titan’s finale, numerous people are shown visiting the graves of Eren and Mikasa. Among these people, an elderly man draws the attention of a portion of the audience, and rumors about the old man’s identity started spreading throughout the internet. With a hat and a cane in his hands, this old man has divided the Attack on Titan fandom into a Jean and the Armin faction.
Those in the fandom who believe it was Armin have some evidence backing up their theory. In the very beginning of Attack on Titan, it was shown that Eren, Mikasa, and Armin often raced to the tree on the hill as kids. During those races, Armin would always be the last to reach.
Drawing a parallel to that, the ending may be implying that Eren and Mikasa passed over to the other side, leaving Armin behind just as in their childhood. This implication lends a sad but poetic undertone to the post-credit scene. At the same time, the old man may also be Jean, as he was a dear friend of Eren.
It was indicated at the end of the series (and more evidently in the manga ending) that Jean started a family with Mikasa. Throughout the Attack on Titan credits, Mikasa and Jean are shown visiting Eren’s grave frequently, often accompanied by their other friends and children. Therefore, it’s plausible to assume it was Jean visiting their graves.
Final Thoughts
Overall, the matter of the identity of the old man in Attack on Titan finale is up for debate. As some questions remain unanswered, the anime community will continue to engage in discussions regarding the series and its conclusion.
The old man could easily be either Armin or Jean. The creator of the series, Hajime Isayama, seems to enjoy leaving things on an ambiguous note. Hence, it's up to the discretion of the fans as they're given the choice to draw their own conclusions regarding the matter.