Attack on Titan is known for its captivating plot, excellent character development, and unique storytelling. One of the most fascinating aspects of the series is the titan shifters.
Each titan shifter has a unique character design and different abilities. But one of the things fans remain most curious about is Falco's jaw titan.
Falco's jaw titan has one of the most compelling character designs and unique abilities. These unique features were not seen even in previous jaw titans. Attack on Titan has dropped one of its biggest surprises for the fans.
Though fans were amazed after seeing his titan form, the question definitely comes to mind: What makes his jaw titan different?
What makes Falco's Jaw Titan different in Attack on Titan?
How the Jaw Titan came into Falco's possession
To get a better understanding of Falco's Jaw Titan, it is essential to look at proceedings from the beginning. It all started when he accidentally drank Zeke's spinal fluid. When Gabi revealed that she killed Sasha, an enraged Nicolo tried to hit her with the wine bottle.
The wine bottle contained Zeke's spinal fluid in it as a part of Zeke's ploy. However, Falco stepped in to save Gabi. He got hit and accidentally drank the spinal fluid.
After the Marleyan forces attacked the Paradis Island, Zeke's only option was to scream to turn the members of the survey corps into titans. However, this time, Falco was within range of his scream and turned into a pure titan for the first time.
The previous holder of the Jaw Titan, Porco, sacrificed himself, and the power was finally passed down to Falco. This explains how the latter became the Jaw Titan.
Comparing previous jaw titans with Falco's version

Jaw Titan is one of the nine titans descended from the founder. Porco Galliard, Marcel Galliard and Ymir were the known wielders of this titan. It was noted that their titan forms shared some common traits.
Their titans were smaller in size with extraordinary speed and agility. However, the most significant features were the sharp claws and powerful jaws, which could break almost anything.
Falco's jaw titan showed some of these common traits. He was smaller in size and considerably faster with extraordinary agility, which made him almost unapproachable. However, there are a few features that are completely new to his titan.
The titan's entire design seems to be inspired by a bird. His jaw resembles a beak, while the claws are one of the features seen in jaw titans. However, Falco's jaw titan has talons. Its most standout feature is its wings.
Only his jaw titan possesses the ability to fly. No other iteration showed this ability, which makes him an overall unique titan wielder in Attack on Titan.
Possible explanation for the standout features of Falco's Jaw Titan
Attack on Titan is known for its clever use of foreshadowing. A possible correlation was hinted between the birds and Falco when the former were circling him in the first episode of season 4.
Moreover, his name is akin to the name of the bird "Falcon". Maybe it was all to foreshadow his transformation into a titan who has the abilities and features of a bird.
Falco became a titan because of Zeke's spinal fluid, who is the current wielder of the beast titan. In Attack on Titan manga, Falco tells Annie that he saw the memory of the previous wielder of the beast titan who could fly. It reveals two aspects:
- Falco is not the first Titan shifter with the ability to fly.
- Falco also inherited the characteristics of the beast titan, because only future inheritors receive the memories of the past wielder. Armin, for example, received memories of Bertholdt when he became the colossal titan.
Falco became the wielder of both the jaw and beast titan. However, one question still remains: The reason behind Falco's jaw titan appearance. Beast Titan is modeled after a specific animal. However, the appearance of the titan is also influenced by the wielder's personality.
The last episode of Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 1 gives a glimpse of Zeke's past. It was noted that he used to have a monkey toy. A possible correlation was hinted between Zeke and a monkey. After he inherited the Beast Titan, its form resembled a giant ape. The same phenomenon happened with Falco's jaw titan as well, as the form resembled a bird.
Attack on Titan will make its return next year with part 3. Viewers can expect that part 3 will answer most of the questions from part 2 and provide a satisfactory ending to the popular Shounen series.