The Attack on Titan finale is set to air on Japanese broadcast television on Sunday, November 5, 2023, at 12 am Japanese Standard Time. With the upcoming release serving as the series' finale, fans are anxiously awaiting the episode's premiere. Many fans are hoping that the anime sticks to the manga's original ending, while others are hoping it will go in an entirely new direction.
Unfortunately, there is no verifiable spoiler information for the Attack on Titan finale as of this article's writing. Considering the circumstances of the finale's release, this is to be expected, as even referring to the original manga offers no guarantee of what to expect from the anime's ultimate installment.
Thankfully, what fans do have is officially confirmed release information for the episode, which should remain constant for the week until the installment airs in Japan.
Attack on Titan finale release date and time
Attack on Titan finale will begin airing on local Japanese networks at 12 am JST on Sunday, November 5, 2023. Most international viewers will be able to enjoy the new installment sometime during the day on Saturday, November 4, 2023. A select few fans in specific regions will instead share the Sunday, November 5 premiere date with Japanese viewers.
Fans are now excited to see what the finale will bring to the table. The Attack on Titan finale is set to begin airing in Japan at the following times in the corresponding time zones:
- Pacific Standard Time: 8 am, Saturday, November 4
- Eastern Standard Time: 11 am, Saturday, November 4
- Greenwich Mean Time: 3 pm, Saturday, November 4
- Central European Time: 4 pm, Saturday, November 4
- United Arab Emirates (Gulf Standard Time): 7 pm, Saturday, November 4
- Pakistan Standard Time: 8 pm, Saturday, November 4
- Indian Standard Time: 8:30 pm, Saturday, November 4
- Bangladesh Standard Time: 9 pm, Saturday, November 4
- Philippine Standard Time: 11 pm Saturday, November 4
- China Standard Time: 11 pm, Saturday, November 4
- Japanese Standard Time: 12 am, Sunday, November 5
- Australia Central Time: 1:30 am Sunday, November 5
Where to watch Attack on Titan finale
While Japanese streaming services for the anime have been confirmed, there is yet to be an official confirmation about where fans can stream the series internationally. That being said, both Crunchyroll and Hulu have released prior seasons of the series overseas, and it is likewise assumed that both will be viable options to view the title internationally. Some regions may see alternate options, but this will depend on which platforms are available in which countries.
Unfortunately, both Hulu and Crunchyroll require paid subscriptions for access to their content in any capacity. For Hulu, ad-supported plans start at $7.99/month, while an ad-free Hulu experience costs $14.99/month. Crunchyroll, meanwhile, has three subscription tiers, which are all ad-free and range from $7.99/month, all the way up to $14.99/month.
Be sure to keep up with all Attack on Titan anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.