On Friday, November 3, 2023, an Attack on Titan finale illustration was posted by the anime’s official X (formerly Twitter) account, with protagonist Eren Yeager noticeably absent. The post also reconfirmed the official release information of the final episode of the globally famous and critically acclaimed anime series, set to release on Saturday, November 4, 2023, in Japan.
The Attack on Titan finale will serve as the conclusive episode of the series, bringing an end to an incredibly successful run that has lasted more than eight years. The original manga by author and illustrator Hajime Isayama, which the series serves as a television anime adaptation of, concluded its original run in April 2021 after 139 chapters and 34 volumes.
The Attack on Titan finale will wrap up the three-year run of the anime’s Final Season, which first began airing on Japanese broadcast television in December 2020. Including the coming finale, the series’ final season was split up into four total parts consisting of the equivalent of 35 standard run-time television anime episodes.
Attack on Titan finale illustration seemingly paints Eren Yeager as series’ final villain given his absence
The latest
While the Founding Titan can be seen in the background of the latest Attack on Titan finale illustration, it’s hard to argue that this is indeed enough to constitute Eren Yeager’s presence. For one, it’s difficult to say whether or not the Founding Titan truly is Eren or if he’s being used by whatever reconnected his severed head to his body in the Final Season’s second part.
Eren’s absence from the poster and its focus on Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Reiner Braun, Levi Ackerman, and others aiming to stop him seemingly establishes Eren as the villain. The inclusion of the Founding Titan and the Colossal Titans making up the Rumbling further support this interpretation by portraying these forces as a looming threat over the horizon.
The illustration is drawn by Manabu Akita, who serves as the Chief Animation Director for the anime series. As mentioned above, the 85-minute-long finale will begin broadcasting on Saturday, November 4, 2023, at midnight Japanese Standard Time, or effectively on Sunday, November 5, at 12 a.m. JST.
It was announced yesterday, Thursday, November 2, that both Crunchyroll and Hulu would be streaming the finale episode for the series, with both services having streamed prior seasons. Both services seem set to begin streaming the episode on the day of its release, albeit likely with a short delay from when the finale concludes airing in Japan. The episode will air on the NHK General channel in Japan.
Be sure to keep up with all Attack on Titan finale and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.