The Attack on Titan finale and One Piece have garnered immense attention and praise from fans worldwide. Both shows have had their fair share of groundbreaking moments, but when it comes to creating a buzz and breaking the internet, One Piece's Gear 5 introduction episode took the crown.
Despite the monumental anticipation surrounding the Attack on Titan finale, it failed to generate the same level of hype and viewership as the iconic Gear 5 episode of One Piece.
Attack on Titan Finale vs. One Piece Gear 5
The Attack on Titan finale premiered on Crunchyroll on November 5, 2023, in several parts of America, Europe, Africa, South East Asia, and Africa. However, ahead of its release, the streaming website crashed due to the amount of fans flocking in to watch the episode. The hype around the finale caused a downtime that lasted more than half an hour.
This isn't the first time that Crunchyroll has crashed prior to an anime episode's release. In fact, Attack on Titan fans were responsible for server outages in both Crunchyroll and Funimation when The Final Season Part 2 was released in 2022 along with a Demon Slayer episode.
On the other hand, One Piece's Gear 5 debut generated massive traffic on the website and caused the Crunchyroll servers to crash. The website showed an error when fans tried to log in and watch Episode 1071. Although such crashes are common when it comes to Eiichiro Oda's magnum opus, the site crashed for a second consecutive time ahead of the release of Episode 1072, an unprecedented moment.
Despite the hype around both shows, the view count of the Gear 5 episode is higher, showing how high the popularity of One Piece is as compared to Attack on Titan.
Attack on Titan is the most popular anime in the world, according to TV Time. However, One Piece is currently the most popular anime in the world, and with the hype surrounding Luffy's Gear 5 awakening, it's no surprise that rival fandoms will do everything in their power to trash episode 1071 featuring Gear 5.
Why the Attack on Titan finale failed to live upto its hype
Even though Attack on Titan does have a fan base and reviews in its favor, it could not rival the hype and views seen with the Gear 5 episode of One Piece. Even though fans around the world patiently looked forward to it, this was the culmination of a very exciting, gripping plot.
Nevertheless, the viewership for the finale was quite poor in comparison to the general public following the program’s progress. Despite some problems with servers failing during its first showing, it was not only due to people wanting to watch the Attack on Titan finale. A number of other causes such as glitches, and server congestion could have been partly responsible for the crashes.
Final thoughts
Breaking the internet in the world of anime means being highly popular and influential, which equals great success and the ability to make a large-scale impact on the viewers. The Gear 5 episode of One Piece surpassed the audience numbers and excitement generated by Attack on Titan's final episode. When introduced, Gear 5 evoked an overwhelming response that left no doubt about the devotion of One Piece’s fans and firmly placed the series among the greatest anime series ever.