Attack on Titan is one of the most popular manga and anime series out there. The series, written and drawn by Hajime Isayama, has become a worldwide phenomenon, even reaching audiences that are not usually anime fans - a massive success for MAPPA Studios and the anime, which has been going strong since 2013.
However, the fourth and final season of the Attack on Titan anime adaptation has been divided into several parts, leading to a lot of people being frustrated because the grand finale has had a somewhat sloppy momentum. For a lot of anime-only viewers, the different parts also begs the question: Where to begin reading the Attack on Titan manga before the final part airs?
In case you are looking to read the final portion of the story before the anime adaptation is out, then keep scrolling.
Disclaimer: This article contains massive spoilers for the Attack on Titan series.
Details about where to begin with the Attack on Titan manga before the final part of the anime
Before exploring where to begin with the manga after the events of the third part of the final season, it is important to address what this last portion of the adaptation has covered. That way there is going to be a much clearer view of where the anime currently is, when compared to the manga by Hajime Isayama.
In that regard, the episodes of the third part covered most of the final parts of the material in volume 33 of the manga, which shows scene-for-scene moments such as Ramzi and Halil talking, Eren’s flashback with Ramzi, and Armin posing that very important question to Eren, all of which are some of the key plot points of the manga.
While the episodes skipped some scenes from the manga, overall it stays pretty much the same. After volume 33, the final portion of the season is going to cover volume 34, which is the final one in the manga and also where the series ends as a whole. Therefore, people can pick that one up and read the ending if they don’t want to wait for the final part of the anime.
The appeal of Attack on Titan
Attack on Titan has been one of the most celebrated manga and anime series in the market in the last ten years or so, and that is due to a lot of different reasons: the strong characterization, the artwork, the world-building, the storytelling, the twists and turns, and a lot of other elements that have made it one of the most successful franchises in recent times.
Characters such as Eren or Levi have become icons of the anime industry and this is because Isayama has been able to combine a lot of different influences into a story that feels cohesive, logical, and immersive. This is a very important factor to take into account: within its own logic, the world of the series feels very real and human, with all the good and bad that it entails.
It is a series that has proven to have a lot of staying power over the years and people have viewed it as a modern classic of the medium.
Final thoughts
The final episodes of the Attack on Titan series, regardless of reception, are going to be a major event in the anime community, with a lot of people eager to see the outcome. It’s a series that has been a worldwide success and hopefully, the final episodes are going to be able to improve what has been a very controversial pacing so far.