The Ayakashi Triangle anime is set to be released on Tuesday, January 9, at 12 am JST. The highly-anticipated anime adaptation of mangaka Kentaro Yabuki's smash-hit manga will premiere on the Tokyo MX, Tochigi TV, Gunma TV, and BS11 channels at the aforementioned time. Meanwhile, Crunchyroll will be streaming the anime internationally.
The series will majorly focus on Matsuri and Suzu, who, under strange circumstances, are forced to adjust to a new lifestyle. While the series is notable for several cultural references and legendary creatures from Japanese mythology, the primary theme of Ayakashi Triangle revolves around the queer experience of the protagonists.
Ayakashi Triangle anime will mark the premiere of one of the most highly-anticipated anime series of Winter 2023
Release date and time, where to watch
The Ayakashi Triangle anime will be broadcast on local Japanese syndication at 12 am JST on Tuesday, January 9, 2022. For most international viewers, this means a daytime release on Monday, January 9. Select international fans, including the Japanese audience, will also see the episode release in the early morning hours of January 9.
Unfortunately, the series' availability on Crunchyroll will be delayed by an hour from its Japanese premiere. While Asian fans will be able to stream the episode instantly on Amazon Prime Video and various MediaLink outlets, international fans will have to wait an hour for the episode to be available to stream on Crunchyroll.
The Ayakashi Triangle anime is set to release in Japan at the following times for the corresponding time zones:
- Pacific Standard Time: 8 am, Monday, January 9
- Eastern Standard Time: 11 am, Monday, January 9
- GreenwichMean Time: 4 pm, Monday, January 9
- Central European Time: 5 pm, Monday, January 9
- Indian Standard Time: 9.30 pm, Monday, January 9
- Philippine Standard Time: 12 am, Monday, January 9
- Japanese Standard Time: 1 am, Tuesday, January 10
- Australia Central Daylight Time: 2.30 am, Tuesday, January 10
What to expect
The events in Ayakashi Triangle takes place in the fictional Omiko City, located in the countryside of Japan. Unknown to its citizens, the city is populated by ayakashi, spirits who are invisible to most people.
Those who are able to see ayakashi possess a large amount of one of two energies, those being haku, the life energy, and kon, the spiritual energy. The series follows Matsuri Kazamaki and Suzu Kanade, two childhood friends who share the ability to see ayakashi. Matsuri hails from a line of exorcist ninjas protecting people from evil ayakashi, while Suzu is an ayakashi medium whose power draws many to her.
Matsuri learns that Suzu’s growing power will inevitably attract stronger ayakashi to try and devour and obtain her power. Thus, he decides to protect her by exorcizing the evil ayakashi who haunts her. However, on the day the two are set to start high school, Suzu is attacked by Shirogane, the King of Ayakashi.
While Matsuri seals most of his powers into a scroll, Shirogane turns him into a girl before being fully sealed, with the hopes of ruining any chance he and Suzu had of becoming a couple. The latter then helps Matsuri readjust to his new life as a girl, while Shirogane plots to regain his power and devour Suzu.
Follow along for more Ayakashi Triangle anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.