The morning of Saturday, December 10, 2022 saw the Berserk website’s counter finally reach its end, revealing the highly-anticipated surprise. Many fans had theorized that the timer would announce the start of the next manga arc or reveal plans to finally make a proper anime adaptation for the series. Fans had even begun discussing which studios would be best for it.
However, the official reveal from the Berserk franchise was neither of these. Instead, it merely announced that the Blu-ray Box for the Golden Age Arc memorial edition series would be released on March 29, 2023. The box set breaks down the Golden Age Arc movie trilogy into a 13-episode TV anime.
Needless to say, fans are extremely disappointed with this latest reveal, having expected such a grand tease to contain equally important and significant news. Follow along as this article fully recaps the Berserk countdown and announcement fiasco, as well as covers the dominant reactions of fans to this news.
Berserk countdown’s announcement of Blu-ray Box set disappoints and confuses series’ hardcore fans

Several weeks ago, the official website for the memorial edition of the Berserk: The Golden Age Arc film trilogy posted a mysterious countdown to their site. It immediately sparked intense speculation among fans, with many discussing what the announcement could be, with the two most common guesses being that it would be either a new manga arc or an anime adaptation.
However, as time passed after the countdown's initial posting, speculation eventually died down until suddenly fans were just days away from the announcement. Speculation immediately began anew, with the series’ core fanbase yet again asserting that the news had to be something major for the manga or a new anime adaptation.
The announcement of a Blu-ray Box set for the Berserk: The Golden Age Arc film trilogy's memorial edition on Saturday, December 10, saw neither of the fans' speculations come true. The box set was likely considered countdown-worthy news due to it being completely uncensored. Another reason was that it included a video interview with Kentaro Miura.
Kentaro Miura, the creator and original author, and illustrator of the series, was notorious for rarely appearing in the public eye in any capacity. While difficult to confirm, many diehard fans of the series are asserting that this video interview, screened at a past "Great Berserk Exhibition," will be the first time fans see Miura "in motion."
What this means is that it’ll be the first time a video interview will be released with Miura. While there are pictures of Miura floating around on the internet, as well as soundbytes from audio-based interviews he has done in the past, this would be his first video interview. Although still big news considering Miura’s reclusiveness, many still question if this is truly “countdown worthy."
Fans are unsurprisingly disappointed by the announcement given the buildup and excitement surrounding the countdown. Interestingly, while other fanbases may be slightly outraged by such a turn of events, the vast majority of the series' fans appear to be more disappointed than anything else.
Clearly, the fanbase as a whole had high expectations for whatever this announcement could have been. Unfortunately, the reality of the situation has only led to disappointment and exhaustion among fans eager to see their favorite series properly adapted.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2022 progresses.