One Piece power-ups don't usually follow the traditional anime approach. While most transformations or upgrades result from constant training, author Eiichiro Oda tries a more diverse approach. Luffy's Gear 5 transformation is a good example of how Oda can push the envelope and go for something different.
Having said that, One Piece power-ups are not always perfect, and several missed the mark completely. Some transformations are incredible and have become part of the series' greatest moments, so here are, in no particular order, the best five One Piece power-ups and another five that didn't work at all.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the One Piece series.
The five best One Piece power-ups
1. Monster Point Chopper (pre-time skip)
Chopper is a character that has never stood out in One Piece for his battles, but Oda indeed gave him a lot more fights before the time skip. During Enies Lobby, Chopper's battle against one of the members of the CP9 paved the way for his Monster Point transformation, one of the character's best and most frightening moments.
He can take several Rumble drugs to change her form, but if he takes too many of them during the same day, his Monster Point transformation takes place. While the drug has an effect, Chopper loses control of himself and becomes a powerful yet savage creature that doesn't distinguish friend and foe. It's a brilliant contrast to his usual adorable self and shows some of the inner turmoil and trauma he had in Drum Island.
2. Luffy's Gear 2

Luffy's Gear 2 is not only one of the best One Piece power-ups but also one of the most iconic moments in the series, with the legendary fist-on-the-ground pose being imitated by professional athletes. It was a game-changer for the series during the Enies Lobby arc and remains Luffy's most iconic transformation.
The Strawhats' captain activated this ability for the first time while fighting a member of the CP9 and made him faster and stronger, although it took a great toll on his body. Narratively speaking, Oda took a risk because there was never a proper explanation about when Luffy learned this power-up, but the positives outweighed the negatives.
3. Blackbeard's two Devil Fruits

Blackbeard is one of the biggest antagonists in One Piece, and one of the best; his demeanor, goals, evil nature, and capacity to plan have made him a strong opposite force to Luffy and the Strawhats. But the biggest element of interest regarding Blackbeard is his ability to use more than one Devil Fruit, which took place during the events of Marineford.
It shook the world when Blackbeard took Whitebeard's Devil Fruit after the latter's death. It was one of the most shocking One Piece power-ups because it broke the rules of the series' power system and created the yet unresolved mystery of how Blackbeard can have two Devil Fruits, with fans making theories even today.
4. Sanji's Raid Suit

The first couple of arcs in One Piece after the time skip didn't treat Sanji very well. The character has a minor role and often being there for comic relief regarding women, but then he got a very character-centric arc in Whole Cake, and that came with an interesting upgrade, the Raid Suit.
His father, Vinsmoke Judge, built suits for Sanji and his siblings, which can enhance their abilities and give them special skills unique to each family member. Sanji's Raid Suit allows him to be invisible, which can be quite helpful for him in battle.
While this isn't a power-up that makes him a lot stronger or grants him a big victory in a major arc, how it connects to Sanji's past and character arc makes it work. It shows that Sanji has come to accept his past and move on from his trauma, using this suit for his present, showing a great value storytelling-wise.
5. Luffy's Gear 5

Anyone following anime news these last few weeks would know how much of a big deal Luffy's Gear 5 has been for the series. It was the moment that changed the story forever: it established that Luffy's powers had a completely different origin, that he is now far stronger than most characters in the series, cemented his place as a Yonko, and changed the World Government forever.
Luffy unlocked this power in the Wano arc when Kaido straight-up murdered him, leading the Strawhats' captain to unleash "the most ridiculous power of all time" and make a comeback. Simply put, Luffy develops cartoon powers and shows Oda's most lighthearted approach to writing, with the character design and attitude reflecting exactly that.
The five One Piece power-ups that missed the mark completely
1. Monster Point Chopper (post-time skip)
Many One Piece fans believe that Chopper is one of the characters that was hurt the most by the time skip, and the Monster Point transformation is a very good example of that. Many fans think he was turned into the crew's mascot and comedic relief, taking away many of the character's tridimensional nature, with the Monster Point suffering the same fate.
Now that Chopper learned to control the Monster Point, there isn't any downside to using the ability, and it removes a lot of the danger it once had. Plus, in theory, Chopper could have a greater role in combat because of this power-up but he fights even less than in the pre-time skip era. It's ironic because he is way stronger now and has much less to do on the battlefield, which is a shame.
2. Hody Jones on Energy Steroid

Very few One Piece power-ups are underwhelming as Hody Jones', and that villain doesn't do himself any favors. The Fishman Island arc is one of the most criticized in the series. Hody is often mentioned as a villain lacking personality or gravitas, with the Energy Steroid being another element that doesn't cover him in glory.
Hody took these Energy Steroids to boost his power, which came with a cost as they were hurting his body, making him an underwhelming villain. Luffy was more powerful than him, and Hody would eventually have a breakdown because of how pills he was taking, so the outcome of the battle was fairly obvious from the get-go and never created a sense of dread.
3. Gecko Moria's final form in Thriller Bark

The Thriller Bark arc had a lot of fun moments, but Gecko Moria was an underwhelming antagonist, often feeling very predictable and lacking a sense of dread. His final form, when he absorbed multiple shadows, also proved to be one of those One Piece power-ups that missed the mark completely.
Part of the reason why Moria's final form didn't work was because he never looked menacing enough and didn't create a lot of damage. Much like Hody Jones, it never felt that Moria would come out victorious, which is a key part of having a villain, which is why this form (and Gecko as a whole) is quite forgettable.
4. Shadow Luffy

Luffy has had a lot of different power-ups over the years in One Piece, but Shadow Luffy, which also happened in Thriller Bark, is the least impactful of them all. The main reason this transformation, despite its fun design and abilities, doesn't hit the mark is that it only happens once and doesn't get the job done.
Several pirates gave Luffy shadows to boost his power, which was already something that wasn't established until near the arc's third act. But leaving that aside, Shadow Luffy doesn't defeat anyone, which makes this form feel underwhelming and a bit useless in the grand scheme of things.
5. Luffy's Gear 4

The problem with Luffy's Gear 4 is similar to what Goku's Super Saiyan 3 went through in both Dragon Ball Super and Dragon Ball GT: a newer, more powerful, and useful transformation came along. So while Gear 4 initially had a very positive start in the Dressrosa arc, it quickly lost relevance and the recent Gear 5 power-up has rendered it useless.
The same could be said about Luffy's Gear power-ups, but they can give him a little boost when needed, much like Goku does with the first Super Saiyan. However, if he wants to get serious in a battle, Gear 5 will always be a much more natural choice, so Gear 4 has lost much of its relevance and usefulness in a short period.
Final thoughts

Eiichiro Oda has always tried to push the envelope with One Piece power-ups, and while it's safe to say that the results have mixed, there have been some jewels along the way. The author has pulled off some great moments with many transformations on this list and is pretty certain that he will do it again.