Black Clover is an ongoing manga series that focuses on protagonist Asta, whose main dream throughout the series is to become a wizard king. Black Clover fans have enjoyed following Asta’s journey since the series’ inception. Needless to say, fans can’t wait for the release of Chapter 314, which will pick up right where chapter 313 left off.
Black Clover Chapter 313 is heavily focused on Yami’s backstory through a series of flashbacks. These flashbacks gave an insight into all the adversaries he faced due to his dark magic. Fans were also introduced to everyone who has impacted Yami’s life. The flashbacks continue as the chapter draws to an end.
With all that said, Black Clover’s 314th chapter will undoubtedly be an exciting one. Here’s everything to know about its release.
Chapter 314 spoilers
Black Clover Chapter 314 is entitled, “Assembly.” The chapter starts with a peek into Mereoleona Vermillion’s takedown of the massive demon outside the palace. This was a feat unlike any other, as even the Spade Kingdom civilians and rebel soldiers were impressed.
Chapter 314 also showed Langris and Patri worried about Captain William, who was captured by Zenon. However, the spoilers did not give away whether or not the pair were able to save him, as Captain Yami has been saved. Moving along, spoilers indicate Lucifero will be up to his treacherous acts. Lucifero thanked Morris for his hard work.
He then proceeds to squeeze the life out of Morris, which in turn opens the second gate of the underworld. The gate’s opening invites various powerful demons to now enter the Black Clover world. Wanting full control, Lucifero uses his power of manifestation to combine the energies of all the demons he summoned. This combination created a gigantic devil.
The chapter seems to end just as Henry, who's controlling Blackbull’s base, punches the newly formed devil square in the face.
Chapter 314 raw scans
Leaks and spoilers can never be 100% accurate. However, with the introduction of raw scans, the level of authenticity increases.
Just as with any leak, there are often raw scans that surface on social media platforms. Black Clover is no different. Here are the official leaked scans for Black Clover Chapter 314:
Black Clover Chapter 314 release date and where to read
Chapter 314 of Black Clover will be released on Sunday, November 21, 2021. At the time of its official release, Black Clover Chapter 314 can be read for free on and Manga Plus.