Black Clover Chapter 314 is a highly anticipated chapter, and the official scans will be released on Sunday. Along with confirmation of Mereoleona’s victory over the ancient demon, the gate to the second level of the Tree of Qliphoth opens, and the Black Bulls prepare to fight Lucifero. Here is the breakdown of Black Clover Chapter 314.
Black Clover Chapter 314: Lucifero’s Manifestation
Black Clover Chapter 314, titled "Aggregation", is the last chapter of Black Clover volume 31.

Recap of Chapter 313
In Black Clover Chapter 313, we see the past of Yami Sukehiro, the captain of the Black Bulls. As we see Yami ostracized for being a foreigner, as well as for his dark magic, he also remembers the people he has met. As the Black Bulls remind him how much he is valued, Yami smiles inside his coffin, but the magic circle reactivates anyway, indicating the opening of another gate of the Qilphoth channel.
Black Clover Chapter 314
Black Clover Chapter 314 finally gives us the conclusion to Mereoleona’s fight against the ancient demon at Spade Kingdom’s royal castle. Mereoleona explains that with her Hellfire Incarnate, the more she fights, the more power she gets. Amidst the awe of the people around her, Mereoleona moves forward to help others.
The Second Gate to Qilphoth Opens
Black Clover Chapter 314 immediately cuts to where captains William Vangeance and Yami Sukehiro are trapped within coffins inside the magic circle. As William apologizes to his squad, the members of the Golden Dawn cry out for their captain.
However, their voices drown as the Black Bulls yell for Yami. Lucifero is seen gloating, and having absorbed the life of the accelerant, the gates of the Qilphoth are opening even faster. Indeed, in the next panel of Black Clover Chapter 314, the second gate opens and many devils come pouring out.
Lucifero's Manifestation

Lucifero states that he is now capable of possessing all of the devils in the first and second gate through his manifestation. The next page of Black Clover Chapter 314 captures the beginning of Lucifero’s manifestation on a humongous scale.
As everyone realizes that this is terrible for the world, the Black Bull squad charges forward. With every member using their magic, including Gauche's Grey Multiplication and Vanessa’s Fate Manipulation Absolute Evasion, the Black Bulls recombine into the Super-Sized Giant Bull, and prepare to fight the devil on the last page of Black Clover Chapter 314.

Yami and William’s fate remain unknown after the events of Black Clover Chapter 314. Lucifero declaring that the gates will open faster may indicate the 3rd gate opening sooner than readers might have thought.
It's hard to say if fans will get an Asta vs Lucifero solo fight, but Black Clover Chapter 314 definitely raises expectations about the Giant Bull vs the Devil fight. This fight will probably take up a lot of the next chapter.
The unofficial translation of Black Clover Chapter 314 is available only on a few online-manga reading websites. The official release is on Sunday afternoon, and Black Clover Chapter 314 can be read for free on and Manga Plus.