With the release of Black Clover chapter 349, fans finally got to see the fight between Asta and Paladin Sister Lily as the former aims to save Sister Lily from Lucius Zogratis's clutches. Through this chapter, fans learned the extent of Lucius's control over his Paladins as Asta made use of his Anti-Magic Zetten to possibly change the tides of the battle.
The previous chapter saw Asta rescuing Ichika, after which he had to face his own self-doubts, which he slashed away instantly. Following that, he made use of Zetten to counter Paladin Yrul's attack, defeating him quickly. With one Paladin down, Asta looked at Sister Lily, promising to save her.
Black Clover chapter 349 sees Sister Lily revealing her true emotions

Black Clover chapter 349, titled Asta Vs Sister Lily, opened with Paladin Heath Grice identifying Asta from the time he was part of Eye of the Midnight Sun. As he was about to fight his previous nemesis, Ryuzen Seven Yosuga stopped him, declaring him as his opponent as he did not want anyone to interrupt Asta and Sister Lily's reunion.
The focus of the chapter then shifted to Asta and Sister Lily as the Paladin asked Asta how he was still alive. Asta revealed how the people of the Land of the Sun had rescued him, however, he was confused given that it was Sister Lily who used her powers to teleport Asta to that country.
Lily rejected Asta's claim as she intended to kill him. However, Asta did not accept this as he believed that even if Sister Lily was being controlled, she wouldn't think of killing him. This triggered Sister Lily as she believed that she wasn't being controlled. Following this, she used her signature move Water Magic: Holy Fist of Love.

Sister Lily began to think about how Forced Spatial Transfers would only work if Asta was immobile. Meanwhile, Sacred Devil Control was pointless due to Asta's Anti-Magic, thus she needed a stronger spell and created one using her two mana affinities.
Sister Lily used Sachiel's Flash, an attack that was a combination of Water Magic and Spatial Magic. She kept sending the attack in Asta's direction, asking him to die for the sake of the world. However, Asta's words triggered Sister Lily's true emotions as she revealed how she herself did not want to kill Asta, but she had no choice as it was the right thing to do for the world.
This made Asta realize how a Paladin's mind works. While every other aspect of themselves remains, Lucius is able to ingrain a rule that Lucius is right and thus the Paladins must follow his orders, irrespective of their wishes.
Asta cannot view Lucius's methods as righteous and thus vows to never forgive him. Following this, he slashes Sister Lily with his Demon-Slasher Katana, hoping that the attack would return her back to her normal self.
Final thoughts on Black Clover chapter 349

Black Clover chapter 349 ended with Asta slashing Sister Lily hoping to save her. However, fans will have to wait until the next chapter is released to find out if Asta was successful or not. Moreover, it is yet to be seen if Lucius Zogratis has laid any traps for Asta if he happens to be successful in rescuing Sister Lily.