Black Clover is a popular shonen anime that follows the story of Asta, a boy born without magical powers in a world where everyone else has them. Despite this, Asta dreams of becoming the Wizard King, the strongest mage in the kingdom. Along with his friend Yuno, Asta joins the Magic Knights to fulfill his dream.
Like many anime series, Black Clover has filler episodes, which are episodes that don't directly follow the main story but are created to give the manga time to get ahead. These episodes are often viewed negatively by fans who prefer the main story, but they can also provide some additional content that can be enjoyable to watch.
In the case of Black Clover, the filler episodes are mainly centered around character development and world-building. They give the audience a chance to learn more about the characters and their motivations and explore different areas of the world that may not have been covered in the manga.
While some fans may view filler episodes as unnecessary, they can also provide a break from the main story and offer additional content that can be enjoyable to watch. In the case of Black Clover, the filler episodes focus on character development and world-building, which can add depth to the story and make the audience more invested in the characters and their journey.
List of Filler Episodes in Black Clover
While the manga of the Black Clover anime has 353 chapters, collected in 34 tankobon volumes, the anime has only adapted the tale till chapters 270-271. The manga content from these 270-271 chapters, plus some anime canon and filler episodes, total 170 anime episodes. Only 17 of the 170 episodes are purely filler material, meaning the anime only features 10% filler episodes.
Here is a list of all the filler episodes in the Black Clover anime:
Episode 29 - Path
Episode 66 - The Secret of the Eye of the Midnight Sun
Episode 68 - Battle to the Death?! Yami vs. Jack
Episode 82 - Clover Clips: The Nightmarish Charmy Special!
Episode 123 - Nero Reminisces... Part One
Episode 124 - Nero Reminisces... Part Two
Episode 125 - Return
Episode 131 - A New Resolve
Episode 134 - Those Who Have Been Gathered
Episode 135 - The One Who Has My Heart, My Mind, and Soul
Episode 142 - Those Remaining
Episode 143 - The Tilted Scale
Episode 144 - Those Who Wish to Destroy Devils
Episode 145 - Rescue
Episode 146 - Those Who Worship Devils
Episode 147 - Death
Episode 148 - Become the Light That Illuminates the Darkness
List of Anime Canon Episodes in Black Clover
Here is a list of anime canon for the fans of the anime who just want to watch the series only for the manga-canon content:
Episode 3 - To the Royal Capital!
Episode 13 - The Wizard King Saw, Continued
Episode 55 - The Man Named Fanzell
Episode 56 - The Man Named Fanzell Continued
Episode 130 - The New Magic Knight Squad Captains' Meeting
Episode 132 - The Lion Awakens
Episode 133 - The Lion Awakens, Continued
Episode 136 - A Black Deep-Sea Story
Episode 137 - Charmy's Century of Hunger, Gordon's Millennium of Loneliness
Episode 138 - In Zara's Footsteps
Episode 139 - A Witch's Homecoming
Episode 140 - A Favor for Julius
Episode 141 - The Golden Family
Episode 149 - Two Things to Look for
Episode 150 - The Challenge of the Maidens
Episode 151 - Clash! Battle of the Magic Knight Captains!
Episode 152 - To Tomorrow!
Episode 153 - The Chosen Ones
Episode 154 - Vice-Captain Langris Vaude
Episode 155 - The 5 Spirit Guardians
Episode 156 - Awakening Power
Episode 157 - The Five-Leaf Clover
There are a total of 22 anime canon episodes and 17 filler episodes in the Black Clover anime. It makes a total of 39 episodes that fans can skip if they are in the middle of a manga canon binge-watching session. They now have 131 manga-canon episodes to watch.