Although not equally as iconic, it is likely that Frieza and Jiren are Dragon Ball’s most powerful mortals in the franchise. While a few months ago Frieza would have had no chance of fighting against Jiren alone, recent events have completely changed the perception fans had about the emperor’s power.
As of the last chapter of Dragon Ball Super’s manga, it is safe to assume that Frieza may be the only mortal in Universe 7 to rival Jiren. However, in a fight between the two of them, who would come out on top?
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Dragon Ball Super manga and reflects the author’s opinion. Sportskeeda does not claim ownership of any media used in the article unless otherwise specified.
Frieza’s final form vs the most powerful Pride Trooper, who is Dragon Ball’s strongest?
How powerful is Jiren?
Introduced to fans in the Universe Survival arc, Jiren is the first mortal in Dragon Ball’s history to surpass the power of the Gods of Destruction. His fervent desire to maintain justice and security in his universe has led him to train as hard as possible since he was a child. Due to this, he obtained an insane amount of power and resilience, proven during the fights he was involved in.
Warriors like Goku, Vegeta, and Hit were unable to even land a single hit against this mighty opponent for most of the Tournament of Power. To rival his power, Goku had to access the Ultra Instinct, and even then he was nowhere near close to defeating Universe 11’s strongest mortal.

If not for his hubris and refusal to let his comrades help him, Jiren would have likely ended up winning the tournament by himself, as no fighter could have won against him alone. In the end, it took the combined efforts of Universe 7’s strongest warriors to finally send Jiren off the tournament’s platform.
Jiren proved to be leagues above Goku and Vegeta’s power during the tournament. Not only did Jiren defeat Goku and Vegeta with ease, he did so while the Saiyans were using their most powerful transformations at the time.
His incredible fighting prowess comes from the absolute control he has over his Ki and strength.

Instead of letting his power go to waste by maintaining a constant flow of energy on his body, Jiren unleashes his strength in the most precise moments. This was confirmed by Vegeta, who has been trying to find a way to access this technique ever since.
Still, when he wants to get serious, Jiren is able to power up his entire body, which makes his already monstrous strength even bigger. Full-powered Jiren can fight Ultra Instinct Goku without much issue, which is already a feat in and of itself.
Since Dragon Ball’s tournament of power, fans have not seen Jiren again, but it is almost a certainty that he has gotten stronger.
How powerful is Frieza?
Besides being one of Goku’s oldest enemies, Frieza is also one of Dragon Ball’s most beloved villains. Due to his naturally high power level, Frieza’s conquest of space went uninterrupted for decades, with the villain destroying and subjugating worlds everywhere he went.
After being defeated by Goku and Vegeta multiple times after the Namek Saga, Frieza spent years trapped in hell, with only the desire for revenge keeping him from falling into despair.
Fortunately for the emperor, he was revived early in Dragon Ball Super’s story, which gave him time to train his body before fighting his archnemesis again.

His training proved that Frieza’s race can produce prodigal fighters that can increase their power exponentially with a few months to train. Frieza was able to unlock a new mode called Golden Frieza during his time training, a form that proved exponentially stronger than all of his previous ones, seeing as he was capable of going toe-to-toe with a Super Saiyan Blue.
Nevertheless, even this outstanding powerup paled was ultimately outmatched by Goku and later Jiren during the Tournament of Power. Although Frieza did play a crucial part in defeating Jiren during the tournament, there is no doubt that he was several times weaker than him back then.

Yet, Dragon Ball Super Chapter 87 gave everyone’s favorite emperor a massive boost in both power and ability. It was revealed that after training for ten years inside the Room of Spirit and Time, Frieza achieved a new terrifyingly strong form, Black Frieza.
With this new transformation, Frieza made quick work of both Goku in True Ultra Instinct and Vegeta in Ultra Ego form.
Frieza did not even have to power up to defeat both Saiyans, just a single punch from this new transformation was enough to send them to the ground. His true power is still unknown, but the feat of overpowering both Goku and Vegeta’s strongest forms speaks volumes about his strength.
Who would win between the two?

In terms of pure strength and technique, there is probably no other mortal that can achieve what Jiren and Frieza have. Both characters are arguably the strongest mortals in their respective universes, a massive achievement when individuals like Goku and Vegeta exist.
Even so, as of right now, there is no realistic way for Jiren to fight against Black Frieza and come out victorious. The Pride Trooper may be strong, but his power and ability pale when compared to the display of strength Frieza showed to fans in Dragon Ball Super’s latest chapter. Without a doubt, Frieza will be the winner of their rematch.

During the Tournament of Power, Jiren struggled to keep up with an imperfect Ultra Instinct Goku, a form that has been surpassed many times in the manga since Jiren’s last appearance.
Unless the Pride Trooper shows that his power has increased exponentially since the last time we saw him, there is no way that he is stronger than Goku’s True Ultra Instinct.
On the other hand, Black Frieza not only defeated this powerful version of Goku, he humiliated him by beating him with a single punch. Goku had no chance to defend himself against the speed and strength Black Frieza possesses.
Jiren would go down in a similar manner, leaving Frieza as the absolute strongest mortal in the Dragon Ball Multiverse.
Final thoughts

Jiren is still one of the strongest characters ever to have appeared in Dragon Ball. His overwhelming power was such that even Goku and Vegeta are still comparing themselves to it. Sadly, it seems like Jiren being considered the strongest is a thing of the past, with the recent introduction of Black Frieza.
Frieza’s new form throws everything we thought we knew about true strength out the window. The fact that he was able to defeat our heroes in their most powerful form as quickly as he did is frankly alarming.
Not even Jiren would be enough to face Frieza in this form unless he has trained harder than ever before since the time we last saw him.