The Black Lagoon manga is known for its tense characters, thrilling action, and explosive story. This series, written and drawn by Rei Hiroe, has been captivating readers since April 2002 in Shogakukan's Monthly Sunday Gene-X. The title follows the intrepid exploits of the Lagoon Company, a group of mercenary pirates that operates in Southeast Asia's criminal underbelly.
After the success of the manga, Madhouse produced an anime adaptation that ran for two seasons in 2006 and a gripping five-episode OVA which aired from 2010 to 2011. The title is cherished for its engaging narrative and acclaimed action scenes.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Black Lagoon manga.
Fans can read the Black Lagoon manga on the VIZ website
The Black Lagoon manga is available for $12.99 per volume on the VIZ website, which is the series' official website. A brief summary of the manga and its characters is available on the website as well. However, those who wish to own a physical copy can buy one from reliable retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Books-A-Million. The price of the manga will vary based on the website and country.
The chapters of the manga have been compiled into separate tankobon volumes. On December 12, 2002, the first volume was made available to fans. There are 12 volumes as of August 19, 2021, and it was recently revealed that volume 13 is scheduled to release on December 19, 2023.
The mangas Black Lagoon: Sawyer the Cleaner and Black Lagoon: Eda also have two spin-offs, which are available on the VIZ website.
What to expect from Black Lagoon manga
Rei Hiroe, renowned for Re: Creators and Phantom Bullet, has written and drawn the manga series. Viz Media holds the North American English distribution rights for the manga.
The manga series revolves around the Lagoon Company, a group of pirate mercenaries that smuggled commodities in and around the waters of Southeast Asia in the early to mid-1990s. The Lagoon Company is made up of four people: Dutch, Revy, Benny, and Rock.
Their headquarters are in Roanapur, a fictitious port city in eastern Thailand close to the Cambodian border. The city is home to a diverse range of pickpockets, thugs, mercenaries, thieves, assassins, gunmen, the Japanese yakuza, the Chinese triad, the Russian Bratva, the Colombian cartel, and the Italian mafia.
Following the Vietnamese refugee flight after the communist takeover of Vietnam in 1975, the city also has a sizable Vietnamese refugee population. The American-built Elco-type PT boat, Black Lagoon, is used by the Lagoon Company to deliver cargo for a variety of clients. It enjoys a close friendship with the Russian-organized criminal group Hotel Moscow.
The crew travels around Southeast Asia, even as far as Vietnam's Phu Quoc island, taking on a range of operations that may entail bloody firefights, hand-to-hand warfare, and naval clashes. The Yellow Flag, a pub in Roanapur that is frequently destroyed in firefights, is where the members of the Lagoon Company spend a large portion of their free time.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga news as 2023 progresses.