After the appearance of the First Gen Gotei 13 members in episode 7 of Bleach Thousand-Year Blood War, Mangaka Tite Kubo is all set to reveal the names of the captains. However, before the release of Weekly Shonen Jump Issue 52 on Monday, November 28, the list of names and their corresponding Divisions have been leaked via several reputed sources.
Bleach fandom had built up several theories regarding the identities of the First Gen Gotei 13. The Royal Guards, in particular, play a central part in all of those speculations. Surprisingly, Kubo’s list of names disproves most, if not all, of these theories.
Bleach creator Tite Kubo reveals the names of the Original Gotei 13 captains in a Weekly Shonen Jump Issue

As expected, the First Division of the First Gen Gotei 13 was headed by Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto. He was assisted by Chojiro Sasakibe. The second Division was commandeered by Chika Shihouin. As readers can guess, he was Yoruichi’s ancestor and likely established both the Royal Shihouin Clan and the Second Division. Even if the Stealth Forces existed at the time of the First Generation of Gotei 13, Chika was most likely not its commander, considering that it was Yoruichi who linked the Onmitsukidō with the Second Division only 110 years prior to the canon timeline.

The Third Division was headed by Kinroku Izuhara, while the Fourth Division’s captain was Chikiri Shijima. It remains unclear whether the Fourth Division was dedicated as the Healing/supply division back in the day. Considering that Kenpachi Zaraki has previously called the First Generation of Gotei 13 a band of ruthless killers, it seems unlikely that the Fourth Division was made up of healers at the time. Tenjiro Kirinji is likely responsible for redefining the Division’s purpose, a mantle that was later picked up by Retsu Unohana after she left the Eleventh Division.
The Fifth Division of the First Generation of Gotei 13 was headed by Obana Danjiro, while the Sixth Division’s captain was Furoufushi Saitou. Furoufushi does not resemble any Kuchiki clan member, nor does she carry any royal or noble insignia, proving that the Sixth Division was not always under the command of Byakuya’s Family. Nobutsuna Shigyou, the Seventh Division captain, looks as far removed from Sajin Komamura or Tetsuzaemon Iba as possible. Division Eight’s captain is listed as Unsai Katoribatsu, who looks eerily similar to both Lisa Yadomaru, the current Eighth Division Captain, and Nanao Ise, the former lieutenant.

Division Nine, which is largely responsible for the primary security of the Soul Society, was originally headed by Entetsu Kumoi. Division Ten, Isshin Kurosaki’s former division, had Furuoki Outokawa as its captain. As manga readers already knew, the Eleventh Division was headed by the first Kenpachi, Yachiru Unohana. Given that the entirety of the Gotei 13 was focused on battle and killing at the time, it’s unlikely that the Eleventh Division’s signature motto held any special importance during Unohana’s era.

JiuHin Zenjou was the captain of Division Twelve during the First Generation, however, he does not seem like a person who would be interested in the scientific pursuits that Kurotsuchi and Urahara are known for. Division Thirteen, infamous for its disorganization during Ukitake’s time, was led by Saizou Sakahone, who looks to be even older that Yamamoto at the time.
Final thoughts
It is surprising that Shueisha and Pierrot would so blatantly disclose Unohana’s role in Bleach Thousand-Year Blood War, whereas it was one of the greatest shocks to the manga readers. From the first trailer of the anime, it was clear that the producers assumed the viewers to have read the manga, and chose not to keep anything a secret for a later revelation.

Many readers have questioned why the Royal Guards or Squad Zero were not a part of the original Gotei 13 as had been speculated for a long time. While it was known that Hikifune was a captain of Division Twelve during Hirako’s time, fans expected Senjumaru Shutara to be a part of the original squad. It was also largely speculated that Kirinji was the original captain of the Fourth Division given that he taught Unohana a lot about healing. However, that speculation was laid to rest during this revelation as well.