The anime adaptation of the manga Bleach: A Thousand-Year Blood War arc was announced in March 2020, with the first official trailer releasing in December 2021 at Jump Festa. It is said to be the final arc of the entire anime series, and fans had big expectations.
The first episode was launched on October 11, 2022, followed by a new episode every 7 days, with the last episode being released on December 27, 2022. This was the first cour of four and the second one, which is said to begin in 2023, is titled The Separation.
The anime has received a lot of attention since the completion of the first cour for its superb animation and outstanding soundtrack by Studio Pierrot. However, some fans are not quite satisfied with certain factors of the anime.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views. It will also contain major spoilers from Bleach: TYBW.
5 things from Bleach: TYBW that fans didn't like
1. Stiff and modified animation
Bleach returned to the fans with a boom and took the spotlight right away, and fans had some drastically different reactions to it. While some couldn't stop applauding it, others were annoyed when they found out that the anime adaptation ruined a lot of the scenes as they were too long and overly modified on screen.
Anyone watching a show would lose interest if they saw the same scene go on for too long and that was exactly what happened to several fans.
2. Reusing the same sequence
In episode 3 of the Bleach: TYBW arc, there is a fighting sequence between Ichigo Kurosaki and Quilge Opie. This was the battle during the Quincy Blood War, and eagle-eyed fans saw that the makers had reused the same clip as many as four times.
While some said that people were overanalyzing the Bleach: TYBW arc anime, which is why all these kinds of mistakes were being found. While it may have been overanalyzed, it isn't justified to reuse chips in such a major anime franchise.
3. Cutting off manga content
After the completion of the animated series, it seems pretty obvious that the creators cut off some manga material just to add some anime-exclusive scenes.
However, after the first episode, fans were promised that they would receive what they wanted. The fans wanted scenes from the actual manga to be animated and added to the additional anime exclusive that the studio wanted to add. However, when the anime was released, it seemed like the couldn't really keep their word.
4. Pace of the series
We frequently hear that a movie or television show's pace is the main reason so many people dislike it. Although in this case, when the anime is adapted from an actual manga, fans would address it as a felony, that most scenes in the manga are removed to make it crisper and shorter.
It seems understandable as the studio has to make 53 episodes with a certain amount of run-time per episode and it isn't financially viable to do a word-to-word adaptation of the manga.
5. Controversial arc of Uryu
It was anticipated that there would be more scenes with Uryu Ishida and that the plot swirling around him would be as similar to the manga, but the studio fell short of those expectations as well. Uryu Ishida is a crucial character in the series who plays a significant role in this arc.
The studio inserted a scene where Uryu learns about the Quincy and interrogates his father. While some manga readers are happy with the projection, others who have read the manga are not at all pleased.
While many fans were displeased with how the adaptation of Bleach: TYBW turned out, some who loved it are eagerly waiting for its second cour to release.