Bleach TYBW part 1 finale is out now, as fans get to watch two episodes of the anime one after another. The finale finally saw Ichigo learning about his lineage and how his mom (a Quincy) and dad (a Soul Reaper) came together. It also revealed the true form of Zangetsu and what channeled Ichigo's strength all this time.
The previous episode saw Ichigo being sent back to the World of the Living, where he was confronted by his father, Isshin Shiba. The former Squad 10 captain intended to reveal the secrets surrounding his son's lineage, and revealed how his wife was a Quincy, who had once saved him during an attack by a peculiar Hollow created by Aizen.
Bleach TYBW part 1 finale: Ichigo learns about his Quincy and Hollow side

Bleach TYBW part 1 finale was a two-parter as episode 12, titled Everything But the Rain "June Truth," opened with a flashback as Isshin Shiba was seemingly captivated by Masaki Kurosaki and wanted to meet her again. The latter herself was curious about him and wanted to speak to him again.
However, later that day, when Masaki was returning home, her detrimental health was detected by Kisuke Urahara. After this, she reached home, where she was questioned by Ryuken Ishida's mother about her actions the previous night. Katagiri had revealed what had happened to her. However, this didn't last long as Masaki fell ill as a Hollow Hole developed right above her chest. Seeing this, Ryuken immediately carried her outside.

This is when the two were attacked by a Hollow and Isshin rescued them. Ryuken blamed Isshin for Masaki's condition, but their argument was cut short as Urahara came to the rescue.
He was already researching Hollowfication and had a method for Masaki to stop from killing herself, but that would take a huge sacrifice from Isshin, as he would lose his Soul Reaper powers. Surprisingly, he instantly accepted, and thus Urahara began the procedure.
The operation was successful, as fans saw a time skip with Masaki leaving the Ishida home soon after her graduation and starting a family with Isshin. This is how Ichigo Kurosaki turned out to be a combination of a Soul Reaper and a human from his father and a Quincy and a Hollow from his mother.

Isshin also revealed how Masaki died nine years ago. Being a Quincy, Masaki was more than capable of defending herself against a Hollow, however, that day, the Father of the Quincy took the Quincy powers from all "Impure Quincy" for his own, leading to the deaths of both Masaki Kurosaki and Kanae Katagiri.
In episode 13, titled The Blade Is Me, Ikumi-san arrived to return Ichigo's Soul Reaper Badge, after which he was teleported back to the Soul King Palace by Nimaiya's bodyguard Mera. This time it took no time for Ichigo to identify his Asauchi, as Oetsu Nimaiya soon started to forge his Zanpakuto alongside his bodyguards.

Meanwhile, all the captains who had lost their Bankai were seen training to get stronger. At the same time, Kensei Muguruma was planning to help Shūhei Hisagi obtain his Bankai, with some help from Mashiro.
Back at the Hooden, Ichigo realized that he was to bid farewell to Zangetsu. This is when he realized that Zangetsu's form was that of Yhwach a thousand years ago. Thus, Zangetsu was the one holding onto Ichigo's Quincy powers, and would help Ichigo by using his Hollow powers. He did not want Ichigo to become a Soul Reaper, however, with time, he, too, was happy with his progress.

Zangetsu vanished into thin air as Ichigo obtained the true form of his Zangetsu, which had two Zanpakutos, both of which denoted his powers from his Quincy and Hollow sides.
The final scene from the episode revealed Ishida Uryu meeting Yhwach alongside Jugram Haschwalth, as he had decided to join the Quincy side during the war against the Soul Reapers.
Final thoughts on Bleach TYBW part 1 finale
Ichigo finally unlocked the full extent of his powers in the Bleach TYBW part 1 finale, as Zangetsu will no longer try to stop him from becoming a Soul Reaper, implying that he has full access to his powers. Additionally, Ichigo has acknowledged both his Quincy and Hollow sides to be Zangetsu and will probably be a force to be reckoned with in the war against the Quincy.

Meanwhile, Ishida Uryu joining the Quincy was foreshadowed through the opening and several anime-original scenes, so it wasn't as surprising. However, the reason for the same is yet to be revealed. Unfortunately, fans will have to wait until July 2023 to learn more when the anime comes back with part 2.