Bleach TYBW aired the final episode of its first cour on December 27, 2022. Just after the episode finished airing, Studio Pierrot released a trailer for the second cour of the anime, titled Bleach TYBW part 2.
The trailer showed some of the concept art from the upcoming cour, along with some lines spoken by key characters. The trailer announced that Bleach TYBW part 2 will premiere in July 2022. Usually, two cours are separated by 3 months, but fans will have to wait more than six months for part 2.
Bleach TYBW part 2 is set to be released on July 2023 and focuses on Uryu and Ichigo
The trailer is 1 minute and 35 seconds long and features mostly concept art. The trailer starts with a glimpse of the Soul King’s palace, with a voiceover from Yhwach and Ichigo. The scene quickly switches to the Quincy logo on a flag when Uryu Ishida’s voice is heard. This is followed by a close-up of a 3 dimensional model of Ichigo’s Zanpakuto, Zangetsu, in its Shikai form.
During the close-up, several voices are heard speaking their lines from the upcoming segments, chief of them are Byakuya Kuchiki, Zaraki Kenpachi, Toshiro Hitsugaya, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Aizen Sousuke, Shunsui Kyoraku, Juushiro Ukitake, Renji Abarai, and several other characters. The final voice is of Rukia Kuchiki, likely saying her dialog from when she finally unleashes her Bankai:
“This is the true form of Shirayuki.”
The scene changes further, now showing a three-dimensional model of Uryu’s pentacle Quincy cross. The overlaying dialog from here is spoken between Ichigo and Uryu from when the former sees his friend at Yhwach’ s side and demands a reason for his betrayal. The trailer then shows several characters in short order before focusing on Ichigo, who is seen wearing Senjumaru Shutara’s Ouken clothing. After showing the title card, the camera focuses on Uryu, now wearing his Sternritter uniform. Uryu vows to kill Ichigo to uphold the Quincy pride, while Ichigo wants to save his friend.
Final thoughts
Bleach TYBW part 2 trailer confirms that the fierce battle between As Nodt and Rukia will be shown and Rukia’s Bankai, Hakka no Togame will appear. This part will likely contain the segment with Mimihagi and the attack on Reiokyu. However, the focus will be on Ichigo and Uryu and their positions on opposing sides. Like the part 1 trailer, Bleach TYBW part 2 trailer also spoils a lot of things for the viewer, but the quality of the video is superior to almost all anime content from this series.