Ever since Bleach TYBW was announced, there has been a lot of focus on the Gotei 13 of the Soul Society and the Sternritter of the Wandenreich. While fans are quite aware of Gotei 13 and the captains, there have been quite a few changes in personnel after the Arrancar: Downfall Arc.
When Sosuke Aizen, Gin Ichimaru, and Kaname Tōsen defected from the Gotei 13 to see through their mission to activate Hogyoku, they left three empty captain spots in the Gotei 13. These spots were later filled by three former members of the Gotei 13, who were residing in the World of Living after they were given death sentences following Aizen's hollowfication experiments on them.
So, who are the current Gotei 13 captains in Bleach: Thousand -Year Blood War?
Bleach TYBW: Gotei 13 captains in order
1) Genryūsai Yamamoto

Genryūsai Yamamoto is the captain of the 1st Division and Captain-Commander of Gotei 13. He is very loyal to the Soul Society and takes his responsibilities very seriously, as he was ready to sacrifice himself and the Gotei 13 to defeat Sosuke Aizen. Due to his own convictions, he expects his subordinates to also take their duties seriously and protect Soul society from any danger, be it a war or some Ryoka.
2) Suì-Fēng

Suì-Fēng is the captain of the 2nd Division of the Gotei 13 and acts as the Commander-in-Chief of the Stealth Force. She has a very loyal and unbending personality as she believes in following orders.
She was a huge admirer of Yoruichi and followed her to eventually become a Shinigami. After Yoruichi left Gotei 13, Suì-Fēng got later promoted to her position as 2nd Division Captain and Commander-in-Chief of the Stealth Force.
3) Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi

Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi, popularly known as Rose, is the captain of the 3rd Division of the Gotei 13. He is a Visored, i.e., he was a victim of Sosuke Aizen's Hollowfication experiments and thus, has acquired Hollow powers.
However, following his hollowfication, Rose was sentenced to death, but Urahara rescued him and the other Visored and fled to the World of Living, where they were in exile for nearly 100 years. After the battle against Aizen, he as well as some other Visored were reinstated into their old positions.
4) Retsu Unohana

Retsu Unohana is the captain of the 4th Division of the Gotei 13 and is known to be the best healer in the Soul Society. She is one of the oldest Shinigami in Gotei 13 as she has served the Soul Society for nearly as long as Captain-Commander Yamamoto Genryusai, being one of his first recruits.
She generally has a gentle personality, and is known to heal anyone who needs help, as according to her any person who has stopped fighting deserves to be healed.
5) Shinji Hirako

Shini Hirako is the captain of the 5th Division of the Gotei 13. He, similar to Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi, is a Visored and acted as its recruiter and de factor leader during their exile.
He was a captain before his time in exile as well, and was the one responsible for making Sosuke Aizen the 5th Division's Lieutenant under him. His decision not to interact much with his Lieutenant allowed Aizen to move forward with his plans of hollowfication and Hogyoku.
6) Byakuya Kuchiki

Byakuya Kuchiki is the captain of the 6th Division of the Gotei 13 and is also the 28th head of the Kuchiki clan, one of the four great noble clans in Soul Society. He is known to act in an aristocratic manner, strongly believing in law and order, evident from him accepting Rukia's death sentence even if he loved her dearly. Thus, while he may act apathetic towards people, he is deeply conflicted within himself to choose between what he wants and what is justice.
7) Sajin Komamura

Sajin Komamura is the captain of the 7th Division of the Gotei 13. He is an anthropomorphic being who was given the opportunity to join Gotei 13 by Yamamoto Genryusai. He is deeply indebted to the Captain-Commander, and thus is very grateful for his generous actions.
He always felt subjugated for his appearance, but later started to accept himself after Tosen accepted him for who he was and not what he was. This is why Komamuran was unwilling to give up on Tosen, even if he had betrayed him and Soul Society.
8) Shunsui Kyōraku

Shunsui Kyōraku is the captain of the 8th Division of the Gotei 13. He is a very laid-back and flamboyant man, which is evident from his way of clothing. He also often likes to chase after women. Shunsui is also known to be very peace-loving as he is known to avoid a fight if he can, however, if the situation calls for it, he doesn't back down from a fight.
9) Kensei Muguruma

Kensei Muguruma is the captain of the 9th Division of the Gotei 13. He is also a Visored similar to Hirako Shinji and Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi, and was a captain in the Gotei 13 before he spent his time in exile in the World of Living.
Muguruma is known to be very decisive and serious but is quick to get aggravated as seen in the anime when he gets annoyed over the smallest of things. His personality is such that he could even be annoyed by Mashiro's antics while she was asleep.
10) Tōshirō Hitsugaya

Tōshirō Hitsugaya is the captain of the 10th Division of the Gotei 13. He is the youngest Gotei 13 captain, having worked really hard to reach that position. Due to this, he often dislikes it when people do not mention his title "Captain" while addressing him.
Hitsugaya is known to be a prodigy given how Shunsui believes that he could surpass him if he was given enough time to do so. As for his relationships, he is often miffed by the way others treat him given his age, with the only exception being Captain Ukitake and his childhood friend Hinamori.
11) Kenpachi Zaraki

Kenpachi Zaraki is the captain of the 11th Division of the Gotei 13. He is the only captain in the history of the Gotei 13 to not have activated their Bankai. He is also one of the very few captains who was elected by combat.
Zaraki killed the former captain of the 11th Division and thus took over his mantle. While Kenpachi loves fighting, he often decides not to deal the final blow, given how he dislikes fighting weaklings. His love for fighting goes as far as giving himself a handiicap to even the odds.
12) Mayuri Kurotsuchi

Mayuri Kurotsuchi is the captain of the 12th Division of the Gotei 13 and acts as the President of the Research & Development Department. He was previously imprisoned in the Maggot's Nest, but was recruited by Kisuke Urahara to become the Vice-President of the Research & Development Department.
Kurotsuchi is known to disregard the lives of individuals as he sees himself and his opponents as test subjects, and views a fight as an opportunity to test out his experiments on both himself and his oppoenent.
13) Jūshirō Ukitake

Jūshirō Ukitake is the captain of the 13th Division of the Gotei 13. He is a very respected man, who is one of the oldest serving Shinigami alongside his best friend Shunsui.
While most of the time he is rendered away from battle due to his health problems, Ukitake is more than willing to protect his close ones when he is able to. However, he is known to have a code of conduct about the same as he refuses to fight with or in the presence of a child.