Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 1, released on January 5, 2025, started the second part of the fourth season of the anime as Rin Okumura travels forty years into the past. The protagonist starts his journey forty years in the past as he meets a younger version of Shiro Fujimoto before his Exorcist days and Mephisto getting Rin up to speed.
Another important element in Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 1 introduces a very young version of Yuri Egin and her struggles with poverty as a child. There is also the fact that audiences get to see her interact with Satan before the latter gained consciousness and how she met Shiro, which leads to them getting drafted into the Exorcist Academy.
Disclaimer: The article contains spoilers for Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 1. Reader's discretion is advised.
Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 1: Rin travels to the past and meets Mephisto
In Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 1, the story begins with Rin Okumura traveling to the past and finding himself in Kyoto forty years into the past during the winter. The first interaction he gets in the episode is seeing a young Shiro Fujimoto before he runs away and the former ends up meeting another familiar face, Mephisto.
Mephisto explains where he is and who that young Shiro is. The entity explains he is not the same Mephisto but is aware of future events. Later, he leads Rin to see where a family of homeless people are gathering, leading to the protagonist's first encounter with a kid version of Yuri Egin.
Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 1 shows Yuri's childhood with her grandmother and Oku, highlighting how they were Exorcists but refused to live that life. Mephisto then moves time forward a few times, displaying Yuri's first interactions with Satan and how the latter destroyed the place where they were staying, killing her family in the process.
Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 1: Shiro and Yuri are sent to the Asylum
The second part of the episode shows Yuri Egin being homeless on the streets of Kyoto and finding a hideout with magazines, a bed, and food, with her staying there since she was going to die because of the cold. That is when Shiro Fujimoto steps in and his first attempt is to kill her, but they agree to stay there together, sharing a tender moment in front of the fire.
The final portion of Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 1 has the Exorcists finding Shiro and taking him because he is not human, but they also take Yuri since she manages to see their Black Dog demon. They are taken to the Asylum, which turns out to be the Exorcist Academy, and Yuri is seen training to become an Exorcist. The episode ends with the cliffhanger of Shiro meeting Mephisto.
Final thoughts
Episode 1 already established Rin Okumura's journey to the past and meeting with Mephisto once again, giving him greater context to his situation. Anime-only viewers also got a greater understanding of Shiro and Yuri's past, how they met, and their beginnings when they were drafted into the Exorcist Academy.
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