Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 4, released on January 26, 2025, marks the beginning of the second part of the fourth season of the anime, featuring Rin Okumura's journey forty years into the past. The episode primarily focuses on the rise of Satan as his entity and gaining a body and awareness, much to the detriment of the people around him.
Another significant aspect of Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 4 is the relationship between Yuri Egin and Shiro Fujimoto, which is the bedrock of the series moving forward. This recent episode set the stage for what is going to be the tragedy involving Yuri's character and the aspects that define Shiro in the present of the series.
Disclaimer: The article contains spoilers for Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 4. Reader's discretion is advised.
Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 4: Yuri and Shiro enjoy life while Lucifer suffers
In Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 4, the story begins with Rin Okumura witnessing how Shiro Fujimoto and Yuri Egin go to Rick's wedding, with the first two slowly developing more feelings for each other. Moreover, this part of the episode highlights how much their lives have progressed since they met as kids.
The next segment of the episode focuses on Mephisto and Rin seeing Shemihaza and Lucifer talk, with the latter still suffering in critical condition. This is the moment where the Demon King states that his time to get a new body should be near and that he wants to create a world of light where everybody is the same, with a scene featuring Amaimon's new body as well.
Additionally, Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 4 highlights the attempts of Satan to take over a new body, with Shiro sent to deal with it. It turns out that the body was another experiment like him named Goro, with the creature going out of control because he has yet to gain an ego and consciousness.
Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 4: Satan's tragic rise begins
The second portion of Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 4 focuses on the Exorcist Academy alumni, Yuri, dealing with a mysterious figure chasing her, but it turns out to be Satan in his new body. This leads to her becoming the creature's tutor, which highlights his rapid ability to learn and develop, although his emotional range and dependence on her are quite dangerous since he can be quite violent.
The final portion of the episode has Shiro going with Yuri Egin in one of her sessions with Satan and even going as far as playing with the latter. While Shiro initially attempted to play with good intentions, Satan got angry and jealous because he couldn't defeat him. His obsession reached the point where he held guards hostage and gained a lot of knowledge, becoming the villain that most fans of the series know him as.
Final thoughts
This most recent episode was arguably the most pivotal thus far in this flashback arc as it highlights the rise of Satan with awareness of who he is and what he can do. The next installment is likely going to show the consequences of his behavior and the damage he is willing to cause.
Related links:
- Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 3: Rin sees how Shiro and Yuri's romance blossoms
- Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 2: Rin discovers the truth of Mephisto's experiments
- Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 4 release date, where to watch, and more
- Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga episode 3 release date, where to watch, and more