A new thrilling soccer match took place in Blue Lock episode 4, which was released a couple of hours ago. After losing their first match against Team X, Isagi and his teammates had to join forces and come up with a plan to win their next match. The match with Team Y was far more stressful for the team than the one against Team X, as their survival inside the experiment depended on it.
Last week’s episode revolved around the match between Teams Z and X. Barou and his teammates demonstrated to Isagi what a true striker needs to be like. The episode also revealed the importance of individual skills, or weapons. Blue Lock episode 4, titled Premonition and Intuition, gave fans the first few moments of Teams Z and Y’s game. Keep reading to learn more.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Blue Lock episode 4.
Isagi discovered his weapon in Blue Lock episode 4
What happened in the last episode?

Blue Lock episode 3 began with Jinpachi and Anri explaining to the strikers the rules of the match between Teams Z and X. Barou, the ace of Team X managed to score a goal immediately after the match commenced, inspiring his teammates. Isagi, Bachira, and Kunigami joined forces to score a goal before the game was over.
Episode 4: Team Z working together

Blue Lock episode 4 started with the members of Team Z discussing what their weapons were on the field. Raichi said his specialty was his outstanding technique, Bachira claimed he was a good dribbler, and Kuon said he could jump higher than everyone else. Isagi was asked what his weapon was but he was unable to answer. Chigiri also refused to comment.
Once everyone revealed what their weapons were, Kuon began thinking about a plan that would allow everyone on the team to demonstrate their abilities. After thinking for a bit, the calm boy came up with a strategy called “Next Up, It’s Me” Eleven. No one on the team reacted to his words, except Isagi who commented on how bad the name was.
After their talk, the members of Team Z went to the training room to practice their new strategy. Isagi noted that losing their previous game forced his teammates to work together due to the fear of being eliminated. Yoichi was feeling down, as he was not sure what kind of weapon he could possess.
What is my weapon?

Blue Lock episode 4 continued once Isagi headed down to the kitchen to get his meal. The black-haired boy complained about eating natto beans once more. Suddenly, Kunigami appeared beside our hero. The orange-haired young man wanted to thank Isagi for passing the ball in their last game. Kunigami tried to leave, but Yoichi stopped him to ask what his reason for playing soccer was.
The taller boy was confused, so Isagi explained that he wanted to know what a superior football player believed about the game. Kunigami revealed that he played soccer to become a superhero for kids. When he was little, he idolized football players, so he wanted to help inspire future generations.

Isagi was impressed with his teammate’s confidence, lamenting his lack of determination. Kunigami then called out to his friend, telling him to help him eat a steak. The orange-haired athlete told Isagi that the Blue Lock project had a reward system in which you could exchange a certain number of goals for prizes. Since Isagi helped him score his goal, he wanted to share his prize.
As they ate, Kunigami questioned Isagi as to why he passed him the ball. The protagonist revealed that his reaction was almost instinctive. He knew that neither he nor Raichi could avoid Barou. The only option left was to pass the ball to Kunigami, who Yoichi was aware was a strong midfielder. The taller boy told Isagi that maybe intuition was his weapon. Both boys promised to win their next game.
Team Z vs Team Y

Blue Lock episode 4 went on to show that both Team Z and Y were ready to play their match. One of the players from the opposing team, Ohkawa Hibiki, seemed to be the captain. Once the game began, Isagi thought back to the strategy Kuon created for the game. Each player would have ten minutes as the front striker to try and score as many goals as possible.
The rest of the team would help them in any way possible. Once the ten minutes were over, another player would assume the role of striker. lemon and Chigiri offered to stay as the goalkeeper and the defense, respectively. The first player to assume the role of the striker was Bachira, who used his dribbling abilities to avoid opposing players.

Team Y had a strategy of their own, which revolved around preventing the players of Team Z from using their weapons. Since Bachira was unable to use his skills, the first ten minutes of the game transpired without a goal. The next striker was Kunigami, who tried to shoot from afar. However, the members of Team Y were ready and stopped the ball.
Isagi noticed that something was not right with the way Team Y was playing. Most players were playing defensively, and Hibiki did not move at all during the game. Kunigami tried to score a goal but was stopped once again. Another of Team Y’s aces, Niko Ikki, recovered the ball. Yoichi realized that Niko would pass the ball to Ohkawa who was free to score.
The true mastermind

Blue Lock episode 4 continued with Ohkawa running with the ball towards Team Z’s goal. Iemon tried to stop him, but he was unable to. Hibiki managed to score a goal, giving his team the motivation they needed to keep going. Since they were already winning, Team Y began playing more defensively, not trying to score another goal.
The opposing team spent most of the game passing the ball around themselves, preventing Isagi and his teammates from acquiring it. The first half of the match was over, so the team took a small break. Once inside the locker room, Raichi began berating his teammates, complaining about Team Y controlling the ball for ten minutes.

This sparked a big fight among the players, mainly Raichi and Chigiri. Kuon had to intervene, reminding the team that they needed to work together to win. The second half began with Yudai acting as the striker. Thanks to his aggressive style, Team Z managed to regain the ball. Yudai’s time was over and Gagamaru took over as the striker.
Isagi revealed that Gagamaru’s weapon was his agility, so the plan was for him to send the ball flying near the goal for his teammate to score. Gagamaru tried to score using his face to hit the ball, but the goalkeeper stooped him. The ball was sent off the field, giving Team Z a chance to score. Yet, Isagi was feeling nervous, as if he was missing something.

Before the game resumed, Yoichi understood that the real mastermind behind Team Y’s strategy was not Ohkawa, but Niko. He ran as quickly as he could to prevent the ball from reaching Ikki. Once the ball was in his possession, Yoichi tried to score, only for the goalkeeper to stop him.
Fortunately, Gagamaru was near and managed to score a goal. Niko approached Isagi, commending him for figuring out that he was the real ace of Team Y. Blue Lock episode 4 ended with Isagi and Ikki staring each other down and trying to intimidate each other.
Final thoughts

After the disastrous game that transpired last week, Blue Lock episode 4 managed to reignite the flame of egotism inside Isagi and his teammates. Not only are they now working as a team, but they have also managed to find a way for all of them to shine. Fans are in awe of how quickly the boys managed to come together as a team.
Isagi’s almost supernatural intuition will most likely play a major role in the series from this point forward. Out of all the weapons Team Z has, Yoichi’s is arguably the strongest, as it allows him to predict what the opponents will do next. We will have to wait and see where this new skill will help our hero defeat Team Y in the next episode.