While the Boruto series primarily focuses on the titular character and his adoptive brother Kawaki, the series' initial main trio was the new Team 7. Fans know a lot about Boruto and Sarada's relationship with their parents. However, Mitsuki's relationship with his parent Orochimaru is shrouded in mystery.
Mitsuki is a synthetic human that was created by Orochimaru. The biological genomes for the same were partially derived from Orochimaru, making the Sannin his parent. However, Mitsuki isn't the only clone, as Orochimaru has several clones in his laboratory. Given the circumstances, fans have often wondered if Orochimaru even cares about Mitsuki.
Boruto: Orochimaru and Mitsuki's relationship is very complex
Orochimaru does care about Mitsuki. However, his feelings may not resemble those of any other biological parent. In the initial stage, it seemed very evident that Orochimaru did not care much about Mitsuki, particularly because he had several clones. Given the abundance of clones, Mitsuki's loss would not have affected the Sannin, as he could have easily relied on his other creations.
However, Mitsuki was seemingly the best out of all of Orochimaru's clones, as he had mastered Sage Jutsu and was capable of making his own independent decisions. Hence, Orochimaru did care about his son's well-being. However, his concern was only related to his experimentation and did not signify any parental love.
Slowly, as Mitsuki developed his personality and formed close bonds with his fellow Hidden Leaf Village Shinobi, Orochimaru believed that losing Mitsuki would be a huge loss, given how far he had come as a synthetic clone. His poor nature towards his son was especially evident during Mitsuki's Disappearance Arc, when Orochimaru revealed that Mitsuki's location did not worry him as his juinjutsu would protect all of his secrets.
Nevertheless, Orochimaru also showed signs of being a good parent by visiting the Hidden Leaf Village to attend the parent-teacher conference. While it is true that he is Mitsuki's parent, a person as busy as Orochimaru attending a parent-teacher conference is plainly odd. However, he decided to be there for his son.
In addition, he also took care of Mitsuki after his body began deteriorating in the aftermath of Sage Mode usage. He did not care about the Hashirama cells that Kara stole and was fully focused on Mitsuki's health. This was followed by Orochimaru joining his son in the Land of Valleys to help him rescue his friends, Boruto and Sarada.
All in all, it could be said that Orochimaru does care about his son Mitsuki. However, this emotion might not be derived from his parental love but from fear of losing Mitsuki's progress. He might be led to believe that being there for his son as a parent could help push his interpersonal growth, which is why he was willing to help his son during any problem.
Nevertheless, Orochimaru's true emotions toward his son Mitsuki can only be truly described by manga creator Masashi Kishimoto, as he has yet to delve deep into their familial relationship. Considering how Mitsuki currently wants to take down his former "Sun" Boruto in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, Orochimaru could come to his son's aid.