Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is a well-known shonen anime and manga series that is set in the same universe as previous Naruto titles. Though there was a slight delay in the release of the previous episode, fans are nonetheless excited and eagerly await the upcoming Episode 232.
The upcoming episode, set to be released by the end of this week, will focus on Team 5 and Denki receiving their first B-ranked mission. Here’s everything we know about Episode 232 of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations.
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Episode 232 release details
According to OtakuKart, the upcoming Episode 232 will be released on January 16, 2022. The latest episodes will be available on both Crunchyroll and Funimation, thanks to their simulcast agreement.
It is worth noting that one would have to subscribe to the platforms’ paid services in order to watch the episode on the day of release. The release times for the various regions are mentioned below:
- Indian Standard Time: 2:30 pm
- Greenwich Mean Time: 9:00 am
- Pacific Standard Time: 1:00 am
- Eastern Standard Time: 4:00 am
- Central Standard Time: 3:00 am
Fans can be on the lookout for spoilers two days before the day of release. Active Reddit threads usually put out spoilers just before the episode releases.
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Episode 231 recap
Episode 231 showcased Tsubaki and provided fans with some insight about her past. The episode revealed that she is not a shinobi but a samurai who was trained by the legendary samurai Lord Mifune himself. Tsubaki enters Konohagakure as an exchange student, with an intent to learn more from shinobis, improving her overall skills and techniques.
Team 15, which includes Tsubaki, is assigned a mission that involves the investigation of a robbery. Upon thorough probing, Tsubaki realizes that the slashes were similar to Sazanka - another disciple of Mifune. Sazanka was not able to earn the legendary Kurosawa sword, and tried to steal it due his obsession with the weapon.
Tsubaki is unable to draw her sword against Sazanka when Wasabi reminds Tsubaki that she’s not a coward. With that, Tsubaki is able to confront the perpetrator and cut him down eventually.