Boruto episode 288, titled Captive Slaves, will be broadcast on February 19, 2023. The preview, however, has already been released and features Eida, who appears to be essential to Code's ambition to become an Otsutsuki, as revealed in the last episode.
Eida is a cyborg developed by Amado with abilities that surpass Jigen's and seem to be capable of neutralizing Code. The episode will be based on manga chapter 57, titled Eida, which explains the specific focus on her.
Fans can expect to hear about the mysterious cyborg's two extraordinary powers, which make her one of the most powerful individuals in the world of Boruto.
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Boruto episode 288 preview suggests how easily Eida can assist or foil Kawaki's plans
In the preview for Boruto episode 288, Code can be seen being upset with himself for not being able to kill Eida even after she did not seem to care about the issue he had sought her out for. This is followed by the voice of Bug, who warns him not to underestimate her.
In retrospect, he should have listened to his warnings and learned about all of her abilities before deciding to awaken her. He had expected her to be his subordinate or maybe a foot soldier, but it appears that the tables have turned.
In the next episode, fans may expect to learn why Code could not finish Eida off even after she challenged him. She obviously possesses a second, equally useful power in addition to the capacity to know everything. The preview also shows Boruto, Sarada, and Kawaki arguing, presumably about how they will deal with Code.
Eida’s appearance in Boruto episode 287
In Boruto episode 287, Code was shown entering the Boro cult facility after fighting a bunch of guards who are ignorant of Boro's death. He discovered Bug inside and had a brief talk with him before inquiring about the cyborg named Eida.
Code had come for her after hearing her described as the person who knows everything in the world. Amado had originally created a number of cyborgs with greater abilities than Jigen, but the latter had requested that they be destroyed. Boro, on the other hand, had hidden the cyborgs in his distant snowland facility.
Code and Bug entered the room where Eida was cryogenically preserved in a capsule. Bug tried to warn Code that no one could order her to serve them, but Code was unconcerned since he was certain that if anything went wrong, he would simply kill her.
When Eida was finally roused, she immediately displayed defiance, prompting Code to make a death threat. She even dared Code to go through with slitting her throat as he had planned, at which point the episode ended.