In Boruto, Nue is an enigmatic creature tied to chaos and destruction, with its origins shrouded in mystery. Recent revelations from the novel adaptations suggest that Nue was born after Gozu Tennō was implanted into Sumire Kakei's back.
This connection implies that the Nue seen in the series may not be the real, ancient beast but a manifestation of it. The idea that Nue is a shadow of a greater, older entity opens up numerous possibilities about its true nature.
Fans have speculated about its origins, especially in relation to Sumire. This theory suggests Nue's behavior and role in the series could be more complex than initially believed. It also raises questions about the larger mythology of Boruto.
Ultimately, the true nature of Nue remains a mystery. The real Nue could be far more powerful than what we have seen. The manifestation theory challenges the viewers to reconsider what they know about the creature.
Disclaimer: This article is speculative and reflects the opinion of the author.
The history of Nue in Boruto: A beast with ancient origins
Nue is portrayed as a powerful, ancient creature with a murky history, existing long before Boruto. Unlike the tailed beasts in Naruto, Nue's origins remain enigmatic and are closely tied to Sumire, whose life is inextricably linked to the creature. The novel adaptation introduces an intriguing aspect: Nue was born from the implantation of Gozu Tennō, a powerful, authoritative entity.
However, this raises questions about the true nature of Nue. The creature viewers see may not fully embody Gozu Tennō's power but could instead represent an artificial or incomplete form. This opens up the possibility that the Nue audience knows is merely a shadow or fragment of a greater, more ancient being, one whose true form lies beyond Sumire's connection.
The manifestation theory: Nue is a shadow of something greater
The theory that Nue is a manifestation rather than the real beast suggests its full power is tethered to a higher plane, far exceeding what has been displayed. This perspective positions Gozu Tennō as a catalyst rather than the source of Nue's true nature. Its abilities, though formidable, often appear uncontrollable and heavily influenced by Sumire's emotions.
This aligns with the idea that the version of Nue seen in the series is diluted or altered during its creation process. If the true form of Nue resides elsewhere, it could be a vastly more powerful and dangerous entity, one connected to Gozu Tennō's ancient legacy. This layered connection adds depth to Nue's role, painting it as both a protector and a harbinger of an untapped, potentially catastrophic force.
In conclusion
While Boruto presents us with a formidable and terrifying creature in the form of Nue, it is worth considering the possibility that this Nue is not the real one. Instead, it could be a manifestation — an echo of the true beast, brought into existence by the manipulation of powerful ancient entities like Gozu Tennō. If this theory holds true, it raises the stakes for the future of Boruto. Untethered and free, the true Nue may one day emerge, bringing with it even greater power and danger
For now, fans of Boruto can only speculate on the true nature of Nue and the ancient, mysterious forces at play.
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