The Boruto anime, as announced at the JUMP Festa Super Stage 2023, is set to begin the Code arc very soon.
After completing the canonical Kawaki arc, the series introduced audiences to the short anime-original Labyrinth Game arc, and is now nearing the end of the Sasuke Retsuden arc. Following this, the series is expected to return to canonical material with the Code arc, which is great news for fans.
However, there has been no announcement of future episodes or how many there will be. As a result, it is not yet possible to say how many episodes will cover the entire Code arc when it is finished in the manga.
However, an estimate of the number of episodes required to adapt until Boruto chapter 77, the series' most recent release, can be deduced.
The Boruto Code arc could take roughly around 20 episodes
The Code arc, which began in Boruto manga chapter 56, is still ongoing. As a result, there is no way of knowing when the arc will end or how many episodes will be needed to cover it. However, given how the anime generally is, it is possible to estimate how many episodes will be required at the least. So, here is the math.
The anime currently has 284 episodes, although only 77 chapters have been published to date. This is due to the addition of anime-original arcs such as the Labyrinth Game arc as well as canonical material such as the Sasuke Retsuden light novel.
By separating them, it will be possible to gauge how much of the manga each episode captures.
Considering that the Sasuke Retsuden arc concludes in episode 286, there are approximately 53 canonical episodes till date. This makes sense given that the manga only has 55 chapters before the Code arc begins. The manga chapters are quite long, usually exceeding 40 pages, which explains why an episode adapts only a little over a chapter on average.
Thus, adapting the 21 chapters of the Code arc, from chapters 56 to 77, should take roughly around 20 episodes. It is important to remember that the Boruto series is notorious for having poor pacing and a lot of filler. As a result, the creators may include filler material within the Code arc to buy more time for the manga to progress.
What to expect from the Code arc?
The Code arc is the fifth arc in the Boruto manga series, following the Kawaki arc. Fans can expect to see Code, the final active Inner Kara member who will play the antagonist. It will be shown that he will inherit the will of the Ohtsutsuki Clan and desire to grow into a Celestial being.
To do so, he must remove the limitations imposed by Amado and consume the Chakra fruit from the God Tree. But to cultivate the God Tree, he will need Boruto and Kawaki. This arc will also include two more powerful and important characters, Eida and Daemon.