Boruto: Two Blue Vortex continues to unravel new layers of mystery and one of its most intriguing threads centers on Amado. A recent theory links the enigmatic and cryptic scientist to one of Naruto's mysterious gods, Jashin, the deity worshipped by Hidan. It plays on recent revelations hinting at a deeper connection regarding Amado's past use of a certain symbol.
In essence, the theory speculates that Jashin’s granting Hidan immortality and consciousness-manipulating powers might circle back to Shinjutsu or even Omnipotence. Moreover, it even theorizes the possibility of the deity being Shibai Otsutsuki himself, which would reshape the Naruto-verse’s grasp of divine power and immortality.
Given Hidan's history with the current Hokage Shikamaru Nara, such a potential revelation could compel him to face a painful past once again. Further, it would offer an interesting opportunity to delve deeper into his trauma from that whole incident, adding another layer to his already well-developed character.
Disclaimer: This article is speculative in nature.
Boruto's Amado might be linked to a great Naruto mystery
A recently surfaced Boruto theory speculates, using Jashin's symbol from Naruto to impart Shinjutsu abilities to his creations. Moreover, it further theorizes that Jashin might be none other than Shibai Otsutsuki himself and that Amado withholding such information could lead to a painful blast from the past for current and Eighth Hokage, Shikamaru Nara.
In Boruto chapter 75, Amado divulges information about Shibai, his daughter, and his experiments. Soon, it is seen that he uses a strange yet familiar symbol to transfer Delta's consciousness into her other bodies. This symbol is what the theory links to Naruto, specifically Hidan and the god he worshipped, Jashin.
Fans will recall that Hidan possessed immortality, thanks to the Jashinists' extensive and twisted experimentation. Further, he'd activate his jutsu via the same symbol to "curse" his opponents. At the time, it was mysterious and just another unique technique. But with Amado using the same symbol in his work on Delta, "Lord Jashin" could be Shibai himself, as the theory speculates.
The facts add up since Shinjutsu is supposed to be unlike any known Ninjutsu or Sage Jutsu. Moreover, immortality and consciousness transference seem like Omnipotence (Eida altering everyone's memories), aka Shinjutsu. So it is possible that Hidan became unkillable through Shibai. Also, Amado supposedly Shibai's DNA adds further fuel to this theory.
Finally, if Jashin is Shibai, then it is likely that the narrative will lead to Shikamaru. It was by his hand that Hidan was defeated in Shippuden. Linking all this back to the Eighth Hokage would be a cruel throwback to the past, given how tragically Asuma Sarutobi passed and his importance in Shikamaru's life.
Could Jashin have been Shibai all along?
While the facts of the above-mentioned theory are plausible, it seems like the links run so deep in Boruto. Not to be mistaken, Kishimoto and Ikemoto are geniuses in their regard, which is why the series is doing extremely well. However, in this case, it might be an overestimation.
Shikamaru had an unfortunate run-in with Hidan and swiftly exacted retribution when the opportunity arose. With that, the Hidan-Jashin chapter was closed and the story progressed. It wouldn't make much sense to refer back to that now. Anyhow, Jashin (translates to "evil god") looks to be simply taken from Japanese mythology. There isn't a deeper meaning to who or what it might be.
What might be plausible is Shikamaru recognizing the sign, if he ever happens to see it. Other than that, Shibai being Jashin might be unlikely given that the narrative is heading a different path with him and the Otsutsuki Gods. In Shikamaru's case, it might strike a nerve considering the pain associated with it.
Final Thoughts
This Boruto theory does seem intriguing and seemingly has the facts to back it up. However, it is unclear why the creators of this sequel series would want to link back to Naruto. The original series did extremely well and fully utilized its time in the limelight. With everything sorted out by the end, Naruto witnessed a pleasant conclusion, which is why the transition into Boruto, i.e., the new generation.
Bringing back something like from the original tale might receive a mixed response from fans of the series. They would likely much rather see something fresh than a play on an old concept that is recycled and brought back. But undoubtedly, Amado hasn't fully revealed everything to the Leaf yet. He definitely has an ulterior motive and will go to any extent for its sake, even tamper with God's DNA.
Related links:
- Amado is the key to Boruto's biggest reveal
- Why does Amado betray Jigen in Boruto? Explained
- A forgettable Amado scene may have foreshadowed Boruto's Thorn Soul Bulb long ago