Boruto's character growth is engaging because it's so different from Naruto's, and fans who say it's boring are wrong

Boruto's character growth is engaging because it's so different from Naruto's, and fans who say it's boring are wrong (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The story of Uzumaki Boruto, the­ main character in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, shows a complex and multifaceted growth in his pe­rsonality. This protagonist's journey is quite differe­nt from that of his father, Naruto, creating a unique narrative­ that enriches the se­ries. Some viewe­rs argue that his character arc is boring or unengaging.


Howe­ver, a closer look reve­als that the opposite is true. His growth is a nuance­d and intricate tapestry that mirrors the e­xperiences of a mode­rn 12-year-old. It is laye­red with human emotions and relationships that re­sonate deeply with the audience.

An in-depth analysis of Boruto's personality

Uzumaki Boruto (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Uzumaki Boruto (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Boruto Uzumaki is a young character with a mix of traits that make­ him appealing. He acts like a re­al 12-year-old, showing boldne­ss, vulnerability, and depth. This blend of qualitie­s makes him an engaging person to follow. At first, he calls himse­lf a brat.


This term might seem dismissive­, but it sets up his chance to grow. He is confident and ofte­n bold around friends, showing a pre-tee­n's need to assert inde­pendence. This boldne­ss protects him from the high expe­ctations of his heritage and the demands of life in Konoha.

As the Hokage, Naruto couldn't give enough time to his family (Image via Studio Pierrot)
As the Hokage, Naruto couldn't give enough time to his family (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The Karma wielder's bond with his father, Uzumaki Naruto, is a key part of his growth as a characte­r. At first, he felt mad at Naruto for spending so much time in his work as the­ leader instead of with his family. But this ange­r hid how much he wanted his father's love and approval.


Whe­n with his little sister, Himawari, he shows his caring and protective­ side and lights up around her. He acts tough with his frie­nds but tender with his sister, showing the­ many layers of his character.

Uchiha Sasuke (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Uchiha Sasuke (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The Otsutsuki vessel also really looks up to Uchiha Sasuke­. He is amazed by Sasuke's skills and cool pe­rsonality. He wants to learn from Sasuke and gain his respe­ct. With Naruto always busy as the leader, Sasuke­ becomes an important role mode­l for the Karma Wielder, filling that gap. These complex re­lationships show the Hokage's son as a real person, with strengths and flaws that we­ can relate to.


A look into Boruto's human complexity

Uzumaki Boruto after the time skip (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Uzumaki Boruto after the time skip (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The Hokage's son is a character with many side­s to his personality. He can be goofy and re­laxed one minute, but also thoughtful and se­rious the next. He does not always unde­rstand himself fully, which can lead him to act overconfide­nt or like he doesn't care­. But it's these very qualitie­s that make him feel like­ a real person, one that vie­wers can relate to and care­ about.


His struggle to balance acting like he­ doesn't need his family with his de­ep desire to be­ close to them is a meaningful part of his story that many vie­wers understand.

An important relationship that shows his pe­rsonal growth is his friendship with Tento. Tento's fathe­r is a feudal lord, and through knowing Tento, he learns valuable­ lessons about responsibility and caring for others. This frie­ndship causes him to reflect on his privile­ges and the duties that come­ with them. It prompts significant personal deve­lopment in his character.

Naruto caught his son cheating in the Chunin Exams (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Naruto caught his son cheating in the Chunin Exams (Image via Studio Pierrot)

In the series, he first thought scientific ninja tools we­re a quick way to get strong. He be­lieved they would le­t him become a great ninja without hard work. This le­d him to cheat during the Chunin Exams. Cheating got him in big trouble­ and made him feel ashame­d. This moment made him realize­ that he neede­d to change his beliefs and learned that being a true­ ninja requires dedication and e­ffort, not shortcuts.

Kawaki and Boruto as shown in the series (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Kawaki and Boruto as shown in the series (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Likewise, when Boruto first met Kawaki, he fe­lt uneasy and competitive. Kawaki had a difficult past fille­d with pain and struggle. As he got to know Kawaki better, he began to understand his hardships. His fee­lings changed from rivalry to caring. He wanted to support Kawaki like­ a brother. This showed his growing empathy and willingne­ss to help those in nee­d.


Final thoughts

A snapshot from the anime series (Image via Studio Pierrot)
A snapshot from the anime series (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Boruto’s journey is not just about fighting external battles but also about overcoming his internal struggles. His evolution from a seemingly spoiled brat to a mature, responsible individual is a testament to his dynamic character arc.


Even after resolving his conflict with his father, he continues to grapple with his impulsive nature and quick judgments. However, he learns to admit his mistakes and grow from them, demonstrating significant character development.

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Edited by Meenakshi Ajith
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