The earliest teaser of the Boruto series depicted Boruto and Kawaki engaging in a fight, with Boruto activating a seemingly new and special dojutsu. While the manga did reveal that the protagonist was attacked by Kawaki, resulting in the loss of his right eye, the protagonist's avoidance of even opening the eye has led many fans to believe that there is a much deeper intention behind these actions.
Although nothing has been mentioned about the eye in the manga, it is possible that chapter 13 of the Blue Vortex manga will reveal more about the protagonist, especially since he was incapacitated by Jura in chapter 12.
Disclaimer- This article contains spoilers for the Boruto series.
Boruto might be suppressing Momoshiki by not using his right eye
The protagonist lost his right eye at the hands of Kawaki in chapter 78 of the manga. While this eye was revealed to be the "special eye" in the earliest Kawaki vs. Boruto teaser before the series' release, many have noticed that Naruto's son seemingly never uses his eye after the time skip and keeps it forcibly closed.
While it is entirely possible that his injured eye is still completely useless and thus kept closed, it should be noted that Momoshiki had already imparted him with the Karma seal and has repeatedly exerted his own power over Naruto's son. It is possible that Boruto's once-injured eye was healed by Momoshiki, given that he eventually intends to take over the protagonist's body.
Momoshiki has already been established as highly intelligent and crafty, which implies that he could have healed his vessel's eye while keeping a pathway open to spy through the healed eye.
While this has not been explicitly stated, a similar situation occurred with Kurama and Naruto, as both shared senses like vision and hearing due to Naruto being a vessel for Kurama. Although Kurama did not use this for any malevolent reasons, Momoshiki's case is very different. His gaining information about the surrounding world while being inside the protagonist would only work to empower him.
Given that Momoshiki has previously managed to completely possess the protagonist and inflict actual harm on Sasuke and his other friends, it is possible that Naruto's son might be avoiding any instance of tapping into Momoshiki's powers.
It is possible that the protagonist is aware of the risk of allowing Momoshiki to acquire information about the world around him and is thus preventing the use of his right eye to blind Momoshiki. This could also explain the markings that the protagonist activates while using the special eye during his fight against Kawaki in the teaser.
Final Thoughts
The actual reason behind the protagonist keeping his injured eye closed might simply be the injury itself. While the earliest teaser did confirm the presence of a special eye in that same position, such a special eye has yet to appear in the actual manga. Boruto Two Blue Vortex chapter 13 will be released on August 20, 2024, and will reveal the protagonist's fate after being fatally injured by Jura.
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