As evident from the developments in the manga series, Boruto: Two Blue Vortex has entered a new sci-fi era with Kashin Koji's ability to see the future. However, there's reason to believe that manga creators Masashi Kishimoto and Mikio Ikemoto were inspired by one of the most popular sci-fi series Star Wars while creating the manga.
This may seem difficult for some fans to fathom. However, as per an observation made by a Boruto fan on Reddit, there are several pieces of evidence that suggest such a possibility. Surprisingly, with this comparison, it can also be deduced that the manga's protagonist is very similar to Anakin Skywalker.
Disclaimer: This article may contain spoilers from the Boruto manga.
Boruto may be inspired from Star Wars' Anakin Skywalker
According to an observation made by a Boruto fan u/Large_Whereas_431 on Reddit, the manga series may be inspired by Star Wars. Both manga creators Masashi Kishimoto and Mikio Ikemoto are known for their love of science fiction. That's especially evident from how the sequel series has highlighted the importance of ninja tools.
Moreover, after Kishimoto finished working on Naruto, he became an author for a new series called Samurai 8. This project was centered on the concept of samurai in space, which is a clear sign of influence by Star Wars.
If fans aren't persuaded by that, the final Naruto movie, Naruto: The Last also featured a huge reference to the film franchise. Like the Death Star in Star Wars, the movie featured a weapon called Chakra Cannon, a weapon capable of destroying planets.
Besides such elements, fans must also note how clones are heavily focused on in the series. As Star Wars fans would know, the series is known for the clones, most famously known as Stormtroopers. They are footsoldiers created from the DNA of the best soldiers from the past. A similar case can be seen in the manga series where Amado created a Jiraiya clone, Kashin Koji, and Orochimaru created several Mitsuki clones.
As for the protagonist Boruto, he is similar to Anakin Skywalker in various aspects. Firstly, both characters had everything at the start and ended up losing everything. While it's true that Anakin started out as a slave, he became a padawan soon enough. As for physical appearances, both characters end up with a scar on their right eye.
Another obvious similarity between the two characters was depicted during the Ao Arc when the protagonist faced off against Ao. During that, he wielded a blue chakra blade, but the moment Ao, an antagonist, touched the blade, it turned red, a well-known aspect of Star Wars.
Oddly, the protagonist also incorporates the Padme-Anakin relationship dynamic with Sarada Uchiha. While he had a relationship with Padme, Anakin was forced to hide it for the longest time. Similarly, in the manga, Sarada is forced to hide any contact with the protagonist to safeguard his life against the Hidden Leaf Village.
Moreover, Boruto, similar to Anakin, has an antagonist-like role, while Sarada, similar to Padme, is involved in Politics, i.e., working toward becoming the Hokage in the future. With such similarities, there's reason to believe that the protagonist would die in the future similar to how Anakin Skywalker died as Darth Vader.
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