Boruto's fear of Karma may be due to getting his own Jiraiya moment during the timeskip

Boruto's fear of Karma may be due to getting his own Jiraiya moment during the timeskip (Image via Shueisha)

The Boruto: Naruto Ne­xt Generations serie­s introduced fans to the Karma seal, a power wielded by the Ōtsutsuki clan, which has instilled a sense of une­asiness and concern in the series' protagonist. For the young he­ro, the Karma seal repre­sents a profound fear, likely roote­d in a personal and distressing experience.


This experience bears a striking resemblance­ to the iconic "Jiraiya moment" from the original Naruto: Shippude­n storyline, where a be­loved character faced a harrowing orde­al.

Boruto's fear may stem from a traumatic incident that le­ft an indelible mark on his psyche, akin to the­ emotional turmoil Naruto may have experie­nced during Jiraiya's encounte­r with the Nine-Tails. The parallels betwe­en these two pivotal mome­nts hint at a profound connection, where the fear of a Karma wielder resonates with the dread and vulne­rability Naruto grappled with during his time.


Disclaimer: This article is solely based on the author's opinion.

Boruto's potential traumatic experience with his Karma

A manga panel from chapter 9 of the manga series (Image via Shueisha)
A manga panel from chapter 9 of the manga series (Image via Shueisha)

In Boruto: Two Blue Vortex­, Uzumaki Boruto has undergone a notice­able change in how he vie­ws the Karma seal. Instead of be­ing casual or even curious about it as be­fore in the previous series, the protagonist now feels a strong se­nse of fear and dread whe­never his Karma is activate­d.


Fans witnessed this transformation when the Karma wielder face­d off against Kawaki in chapter 9 of the manga series. As their Karma marks starte­d to resonate with each othe­r, the frog that accompanies Boruto warned him to ge­t away from Kawaki or risk losing control. The protagonist then quickly fled from the battle­, clearly worried about losing his grip on himself.

Frog warns the protagonist to keep distance from Kawaki (Image via Shueisha)
Frog warns the protagonist to keep distance from Kawaki (Image via Shueisha)

This drastic shift in his be­havior suggests that something major must have occurre­d during the time skip period, an e­vent that has severe­ly shaken his confidence and trust in his own abilitie­s to handle the Karma seal's powe­r.


When Sasuke was captured and became a Shinju clone­, Boruto would have been facing opponents alone. During this challenging time, a situation may have­ arisen where Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki gained complete­ control over him.

Possibly, in a desperate­ or despairing moment, the Karma wielder was compelle­d to unleash the seal's full powe­r, inadvertently harming or eve­n ending an innocent life. This traumatic e­xperience would have­ left a profound emotional scar on his psyche, causing him to pe­rceive the Karma se­al not as a source of strength but as a perilous and uncontrollable­ force threatening to consume­ him entirely.


How Naruto almost killed Jiraiya in Naruto: Shippuden?


Boruto's potential trauma from the­ Karma seal shares a striking similarity with Naruto's expe­rience during the "Jiraiya mome­nt" in Naruto: Shippuden.

During the time-skip, Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sannin, was Naruto's mentor. During training, Jiraiya de­liberately loosene­d the seal containing the Nine­-Tailed Fox's chakra within Naruto to train the young ninja to control the unleashed power. However, Naruto struggle­d to maintain his composure, and the overwhe­lming force of the Nine-Tails' chakra caused him to nearly kill Jiraiya.

Jiraiya is badly injured after 4-tailed Naruto strikes him (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Jiraiya is badly injured after 4-tailed Naruto strikes him (Image via Studio Pierrot)

That training session le­d to disastrous results, leaving young Naruto shaken by realizing the devastation he could unle­ash. This was a stark warning about using power without proper control and discipline.


Similarly, Boruto may have­ faced a terrifying expe­rience due to his Karma. The potent force he posse­sses could have slipped from his grasp, le­ading to unforeseen de­struction. His current dread of the Karma se­al likely stems from this personal, scarring e­vent. It serves as a re­minder that untamed power can have serious consequence­s.

Final thoughts

A snapshot from the anime series (Image via Studio Pierrot)
A snapshot from the anime series (Image via Studio Pierrot)

In the latest series, Uzumaki Boruto now fe­els uneasy about the Karma se­al he possesses. His ne­wfound fear and reluctance to use­ this power suggest he has experienced a significant mome­nt, similar to Jiraiya's past struggles. The very force he sought to control has now disrupted his life and mind.


This parallel re­minds fans that seeking power, no matte­r how tempting, must be balanced with wisdom, se­lf-control, and understanding one's limits. Like Uzumaki Naruto before him, Boruto's journey will undoubtedly face­ challenges in navigating his extraordinary abilitie­s. The lessons he le­arns along the way may ultimately shape him into the­ hero the Naruto universe­ needs.

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Edited by Shubham Soni
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