Ever since the Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga was released, the series' main focus has been on decrypting Eida's Omnipotence ability. This has seen both Sarada and Sumire speak to Shikamaru and Amado, respectively, trying to convey the truth to them. Unfortunately, their efforts were in vain as no one believed their story.
This is because people leaned more towards believing their own memories than any form of evidence. However, given that both Shikamaru and Amado were rather smart people, they managed to bypass Omnipotence by deciphering the truth themselves.
While this is good news for the protagonist, it still does not explain why no one could tell Naruto and Boruto were related simply by comparing their faces.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Boruto manga.
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex must explain how Omnipotence bypassed ocular pieces of evidence
Eida's Omnipotence, a Shinjutsu ability, can manipulate the memories of everyone on the planet to suit the user's needs. With that rule, it is understandable that people would believe their own memories rather than the truth as told by someone else. Nevertheless, it does not answer how Omnipotence bypassed ocular pieces of evidence.
As evident from the manga series, the protagonist looks too similar to the Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. Realistically, this comparison alone should have helped the other characters realize the truth behind Kawaki's lies. However, for some reason, Eida's Omnipotence not only managed to bypass people's memories but also their vision and common sense.
In chapter five of the manga series, Sarada and Sumire are seen discussing Amado's realization of the truth. This shocked Sarada, as she had previously tried conveying the truth to everyone by showing them physical evidence, i.e., a photograph of the Uzumaki family from the past. Nonetheless, the other characters didn't believe what she said.
On one end, it does make sense for people to not believe a family photograph as a piece of evidence due to their manipulated memories. But this does not answer why people did not realize the protagonist and Naruto's relationship through their appearance.
Amado discovered the truth behind Kawaki's lies by analyzing the latter's karma data, which revealed that Kawaki and Boruto's places had been switched. Evidently, the data is an external piece of evidence. While one can try to argue that Amado deciphered the truth through his memories, the data themselves were external in nature.
As for Shikamaru, he started questioning the truth after he overheard Amado's conversation with Sumire. While he spent some time evaluating information, even in his case, the most important piece of evidence was external and not something he deciphered through his memories.
Hence, clearly, physical pieces of evidence help in deciphering the truth. With that in mind, Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga should explain why no one realized the truth by comparing Boruto and Naruto's faces. Unless that happens, one can only consider the developments surrounding Omnipotence to be filled with plot holes.
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