With Bungo Stray Dogs season 4 episode 2 finally out, fans can finally see the conclusion to the threat the theater was facing. Despite the fact that Bungo Stray Dogs has returned to the air, the show has not revisited any of the events that fans saw at the end of the third season. Instead, the creators have chosen to portray how the Armed Detective Agency came to be.
Bungo Stray Dogs started off with Fukuzawa during his time as a bodyguard as he happened to meet Edogawa Ranpo and chose to help him out as he had no family or occupation. However, he came to learn that Edogawa was unique, given that his sense of perception was different from others.
Bungo Stray Dogs season 4 episode 2: The World's Greatest Detective is born

Bungo Stray Dogs season 4 episode 2, titled The Day is a Dream, The Night is Reality, began with Fukuzawa having to control Edogawa, who was becoming restless due to his enhanced perception. Thus, Fukuzawa decided to trick him into thinking he was an ability user, which would provide a conclusive explanation for why he believed others to be less intelligent than himself.
Fukuzawa even revealed that he was an ability user who had previously utilized his skills to serve the government, albeit he had gone too far and had developed a habit of looking for his next victim. Thus, he hid his past self. However, no one else was able to decipher the same other than Edogawa.

Fukuzawa gave him a cheap pair of glasses, claiming that they were specially made to activate his powers upon wearing them. Edogawa, as a child, was easily duped and overjoyed as a result. Soon after, Edogawa asked Fukuzawa to remain at the theater while he went about his business.
While the two were separated, Fukuzawa met Ms. Egawa, who sounded upbeat, considering that Edogawa had already met her, and claimed that all will be handled soon. As Fukuzawa returned to his place, presumably to supervise the crowd and prevent the murder, Tokio Murakami fell from his pedestal and died.

After a commotion in the audience over a missing individual subsided, Edogawa Ranpo stepped on stage and proceeded to unravel the issue. He explained how Tokio Murakami had bound the missing individual while he pretended to be dead.
Tokio stood forward and admitted to his farce, explaining that he had always wanted to act out a death scenario. However, after witnessing the audience being terrified of him, he realized he had gone too far and was arrested shortly afterward.
Final thoughts on Bungo Stray Dogs season 4 episode 2

The end of Bungo Stray Dogs season 4 episode 2 saw Edogawa Ranpo heading out with the police to report what had occurred. Meanwhile, Tokio Murakami disclosed that the missing person was the target of his co-conspirator, the screenwriter.
However, it was eventually revealed that he had been murdered. Meanwhile, the police officer who kidnapped Edogawa appears to be plotting something, as he seems to be the scriptwriter's murderer.
Fans will have to wait until the next episode of Bungo Stray Dogs season 4, titled The Secret of the Detective Agency's Establishment, is released.