Popular Burn the House Down manga series, created and illustrated by Moyashi Fujisawa, is a dramatic and thrilling offering that centers around the Mitarai family, a prosperous and powerful family in Japan. Burn the House Down Manga follows Anzu Murata, a young woman who marries Kiichi, the Mitarai family's eldest son, and is spiralled into their world.
With its mysterious outline and unexpected turn of events, the series is sure to put readers on the edge of their seats. Burn the House Down manga is a must-read for those seeking a compelling and moving story with its tale of family, secrets and deceit.
Where to read Burn the House Down manga
The manga, which has been compiled into eight tankobon volumes, was serialised in Kodansha's josei magazine Kiss from March 2017 to April 2021. The series has received accolades for its captivating storyline, nuanced characters, and accurate depiction of family relationships. The synopsis of Burn the House Down manga, as depicted by Kodansha USA, is as follows:
Shizuka Yamauchi, 25, housekeeper. Makiko Mitarai, 46, amateur model and perfect housewife. Though strangers on the outside, the two share a past—one Shizuka feels she needs to set right, to bring her mother justice. But Makiko has secrets of her own, and Shizuka will need to tread carefully if she's to get to the bottom of it all...without getting burned.
Burn the House Down is a digitally released series that is also accessible in English on the Kodansha USA website. Its drama adaption is also available on Netflix, where it can be streamed internationally. The manga and the drama do, however, include mature topics and scenes that might not be appropriate for younger or more sensitive audience.
The live action series, based on Burn the House Down Manga, with Mei Nagano as Anzu and Kyka Suzuki playing Makiko, the matriarch of the Mitarai family, debuted on Netflix in July 2023.
More about Burn the House Down live-action series
Mei Nagano plays Anzu in the series who is a young lady who marries Kiichi, the Mitarai family's eldest son, and later becomes connected with them. She quickly learns, however, that the family is concealing a tragic past involving a fire that claimed the lives of numerous individuals 13 years ago. Anzu experiences danger, treachery, and deception from everyone around her as she goes in search of the truth.
Yuichiro Hirakawa, renowned for his work on ERASED and Rookies, is in charge of directing the live-action series. Arisa Kaneko, who has worked on dramas including Densha Otoko and Watashi ga Renai Dekinai Riyuu, has written the script.
Shinichi Takahashi, who has created programmes including Alice in Borderland and Followers, serves as the executive producer. Kei Haruna is producing the series, who has also worked on shows including Midnight Diner and Samurai Gourmet.
Burn the House Down is a must-watch for fans of the manga and mystery drama genre in general, available to watch on Netflix and read on Kodansha USA website.