With the release of My Hero Academia season 7 episode 7, the anime faced some backlash due to Endeavor's sidekick Burnin's comment on the current No. 1 Hero's past actions. As fans know, Enji Todoroki was obsessed with raising a child with dual quirks, i.e., fire and ice. This obsession saw him abuse his family members and push them past their limits.
Unfortunately, it wasn't until recently in the story that the truth behind the Todoroki family was revealed to everyone. Hence, the story surrounding Endeavor abusing his family was relatively new to the public. Despite that, Burnin's comment on Endeavor dismissed the matter at hand as "family problems," leading to some outrage among fans.
My Hero Academia season 7: How does Burnin's comment bring out the greatest flaw in the hero society?
While the Dabi vs. Shoto fight is set to take place in My Hero Academia season 7 episode 8, the anime set up the same in the previous episode. As the anime was establishing the fight, the series saw each of the Flaming Sidekickers state something about their leader, Endeavor.
During this, Burnin commented:
"Even if he's a smelly old guy with family problems, there were no lies in his work. Past or present!"
While Burnin's comment may have been focused on justifying their willingness to face Dabi, the meaning behind it did not sit well with fans.

As any My Hero Academia fan must know by now, the issues within the Todoroki family weren't just "family problems" but actual abuse. Hence, when Burnin's comment dismissed the abuse Shoto and Dabi faced as "family problems," fans raised their voices against it.
While Burnin may have had better intentions, what she said directly translated to "even though Endeavor beat his wife and son, he was still good at his job." The issue at hand isn't even about Dabi but the statement, as it dismissed everything the Todorokis went through due to Enji Todoroki.

This is exactly what was wrong with the hero society in the My Hero Academia series. As long as heroes did what they were expected to do, they were cheered on by the people. However, behind the scenes, the hero could be mistreating his family.
As Burnin said, Endeavor was a hero with a good record. However, he felt inferior to All Might and wished to create a hero who could surpass him. This was what led to Enji Todoroki abusing his family. To sum it up, his stress at work had transitioned into his family life.
A similar abusive issue was seen in the case of Nana Shimura. Her absence saw her son be strict with her grandson, Tenko Shimura. Hence, being part of the hero society had its ill effects. One can only assume how many characters could receive such backstories had their lives been explored more.
How fans reacted to Burnin's comment in My Hero Academia season 7 episode 7

Fans were disappointed at Burnin's comment, as it dismissed family abuse as something that wasn't as serious. The part that fans found even worse was that she did the same in front of Shoto and Toya, two people who were most affected by the abuse.
"Do you know how sh*tty it is for abuse to be dismissed as 'family drama'"one fan said.
"Is she wrong tho? Family issues aside, endeavor was an outstanding hero. What he did in the past never even tied in to his hero work so she has a point," another fan said.
However, surprisingly, while many fans were against Burnin's comment in My Hero Academia season 7 episode 7, not everyone thought that it was the right time to worry about it.

The characters in My Hero Academia were currently fighting a war against the villains who had destroyed the country and killed countless people. Hence, at that point, fans did not see how domestic abuse could be considered the more important topic at hand.
"I mean I’d be more focused on the war too but that’s just me ig," another said.
"Which one of them is actively trying to kill people," other fan said.
Some fans even spoke against Dabi. While it is true that Endeavor abused his family, what Toya had done in his life as a villain was far worse. What Endeavor did to his family was cruel and something to be even put behind bars for, but what Dabi had done was something that he could be executed for.
Hence, fans did not really see the point of arguing over Burnin's comment when more important issues needed to be dealt with.
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