Butareba manga is a Japanese comedy manga series written by Takuma Sakai. It has been published in Dengeki Maoh, a seinen manga magazine from ASCII Media Works, since August 2020. As of September 2023, it consists of five tankōbon volumes.
The Butareba manga series is based on a light novel of the same name, written by Takuma Sakai. The popularity of the novel also led to an anime adaptation, produced by Studio Project No.9.
The Butareba manga series explores the themes of self-acceptance and discovering one's value in unexpected circumstances. The main character, Pig, initially resents his transformation into a pig but ultimately learns to embrace himself and his distinctive traits. Through his friendship with Jess, he discovers acceptance from someone who sees him for his inner qualities.
Butareba manga can be read on BookWalker, Amazon Kindle, and other platforms
The Butareba manga is available to read on Yen Press, BookWalker, Amazon Kindle, and Google Play Books. New chapters of the Butareba manga series are published monthly on the 27th. This manga is serialized in Dengeki Maoh, a seinen manga magazine under ASCII Media Works.
The anime adaptation of the Butareba light novel is being directed by Masayuki Takahashi and animated by Project No.9. It made its debut on October 8, 2023, and will run for 12 episodes, with new installments premiering every Friday exclusively on Crunchyroll.
The plot of Butareba manga
Butareba follows the story of an ordinary otaku who, due to his fondness for consuming raw pig liver, undergoes a transformation and finds himself reincarnated as a pig.
In this unfamiliar realm, he encounters Jess, an extraordinary girl endowed with the ability to read people's thoughts. Despite their divergent circumstances, Jess embraces him unconditionally for what he is while harboring the intention of eating him eventually.
However, when Jess finds herself in danger, it is Pig who becomes her unlikely savior. With his new abilities, including an enhanced sense of smell, Pig must unravel the mystery surrounding the curse and keep Jess safe from harm. Along this journey, he forms new friendships and discovers valuable lessons about self-discovery and embracing life to its fullest potential.
What to expect from the series?
Fans of the Butareba series can expect a heartwarming and humorous story about finding oneself, embracing one's uniqueness, and the strength of friendship.
The story follows Akira Washio, an unremarkable otaku who unexpectedly transforms into a pig after consuming raw pig liver. In his newfound world, he encounters Jess, a telepathic girl who accepts him wholeheartedly but plans to eat him eventually.
The Butareba anime series is expected to be a faithful adaptation of the manga, with a talented cast of voice actors bringing the characters to life. Yoshitsugu Matsuoka will be playing the lead role of Pig. The role of Jess will be played by Tomori Kusunoki. Ceres will be portrayed by Miyu Tomita. Both Mamiko Noto and Kent Itō will portray the roles of Brace and Notos.