Demon Slayer is a shonen manga and anime series that was created by Koyoharu Gotouge. After receiving an anime adaptation from Ufotable, the series’ popularity grew exponentially. As the name suggests, the show revolves around a young boy who swears to save humanity from the tyranny of demons after losing his family to an attack from Muzan.
In Demon Slayer, breathing style is an important skill used by the members of the Demon Slayer Corps. This raises the question of whether or not demons have the ability to implement this technique while fighting. Here's an examination of this phenomenon and more of a background on the technique.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the manga.
Demon Slayer: Are Demons capable of using breathing styles?
In Demon Slayer only two demons have been known to use breathing techniques. The only two who were capable of performing this were Kokushibo and Kaigaku, who were Upper Moon 1 and Upper Moon 6 respectively.
The interesting aspect about these two demons is that they were people who could perform breathing techniques before turning into a demon. Kokushibo was Yoriichi Tsukiguni’s brother who created the Moon breathing style. He was frustrated with the fact that he could never surpass Yoriichi despite all the efforts he put in.
Michikatsu, Kokushibo’s real name, was convinced by the Demon King, Muzan, to become a demon. This was how Kokushibo became the first ever demon who could use a breathing style.
The only other demon from Demon Slayer that is capable of using a breathing style is Kaigaku. He was Zenitsu’s senior in the dojo where they trained under the former Thunder Hashira. Kaigaku encountered kokushibo and was thoroughly defeated.
He proceeded to beg for his life and Kokushibo would do so on one condition. Kaigaku was forced to take some of Muzan’s blood which turned him into an Upper Moon 6 demon. Since he was able to use the Breath of Thunder, Kaigaku was the second demon who was capable of fighting with a breathing style.
That being said, fans of Demon Slayer are debating on whether demons are capable of using breathing techniques without having any prior experience during their human stages. Some believe that demons are capable of doing anything that can be mastered by humans. As of now, the Demon Slayer manga has not clarified about the possibility of demons being able to hone breathing styles.