The Canaan anime is an enthralling series that seamlessly blends several genres including action, mystery, and thriller. The story unfolds in the vibrant city of Shibuya, Japan, and centers around the enigmatic and skilled mercenary known as Canaan. With her remarkable marksmanship and a past shrouded in secrecy, she embarks on captivating adventures.
Canaan is a thrilling 13-episode series that was animated by P.A. Works, and directed by Masahiro Andō. It takes inspiration from the Wii visual novel 428: Shibuya Scramble, which was created by Kinoko Nasu and Takashi Takeuchi, the renowned founders of Type-Moon.
The series is currently available on streaming platforms like Crunchyroll, Amazon Prime Video, and HIDIVE.
Disclaimer: This article contains Spoilers from the Canaan anime series.
Crunchyroll, Amazon Prime Video, and HIDIVE are known to provide streaming options for Canaan anime
In October 2008, Sega announced a new anime series, titled 428, the Animation in Newtype magazine and at the Tokyo Game Show. The initial plan was to adapt Type-Moon's game scenario, but by December of that year, the series was renamed to Canaan.
Canaan, an anime series that initially aired from July 2009 to September 2009, continues to have a dedicated fan base even after 14 years since its last episode. For those interested in watching this beloved show, it is currently available for streaming on streaming platforms as follows:
Crunchyroll: This is the most popular streaming service for anime, and it offers Canaan anime series in both subbed and dubbed formats.
Amazon Prime Video: Amazon Prime Video also offers Canaan anime series, but only in subbed format.
HIDIVE: HIDIVE is also one of the most famous streaming services for anime, It offers Canaan anime series in both subbed and dubbed formats.
Plot, thrills, rivalry, and tragedy in Shibuya
Two years after the bio-terrorism attack in Shibuya, reporters Maria Ōsawa and Minoru Minorikawa are assigned to cover the upcoming Shanghai NBCR International Anti-Terrorist Conference.
Maria, who survived the Shibuya incident and was previously infected with the Ua virus but cured by her scientist father, becomes the target of masked assassins in Shanghai. However, she is saved by Canaan, a Middle Eastern girl whom she had befriended before.
Canaan's rival, Alphard, has sinister plans related to the summit and is enlisting the help of mercenaries Cummings and Liang Qi.
Maria's life is in danger from snake assassins, which forces Canaan into a protective role. At the same time, Minoru delves into an investigation surrounding a mysterious mark left by an assassin and uncovers its connection to the Shibuya incident.
The rivalry between Canaan and Alphard escalates, resulting in a terrorist attack during a summit. This animosity arises from the loss of their mentor, Siam, during a mission they undertook together.
In order to unveil the source of the Ua virus and locate Alphard, Canaan sets off on a journey through Western China alongside Maria, Minoru, and other companions.
After coming back to Japan, Maria decides to open a photo gallery showcasing Alphard, who was once known as Canaan. The gallery also captures their journey through the Middle East, providing a reflection on their intricate friendship.
Final thoughts
Canaan is a captivating anime that combines action, mystery, and thriller elements, showcasing the vibrant backdrop of Shibuya, Japan. Drawing inspiration from the Wii visual novel 428: Shibuya Scramble, the series centers around Canaan, a skilled mercenary.
Canaan anime can be streamed on popular platforms like Crunchyroll, Amazon Prime Video, and HIDIVE.
The storyline follows Maria Ōsawa, a survivor of bio-terrorism who becomes entangled with Canaan and their adversary Alphard during an anti-terrorist summit.
With its compelling plotline and availability on well-known streaming services, it is definitely worth considering for anime enthusiasts.