Chained Soldier episode 1 was released on Thursday, January 4, 2024, bringing with it the exciting premiere of the highly anticipated Winter 2024 anime series. While much had been made of the anime in the months leading up to its premiere, fans were unsure of whether or not the series could actually live up to this level of hype.
Although one episode doesn’t necessarily speak to maintained quality throughout the season, Chained Soldier episode 1 certainly did deliver in key categories, especially the animation. While certainly an “out there” series, so to say, the anime does seem capable of living up to the excitement surrounding it at the start of the Winter 2024 season.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from Chained Soldier episode 1.
Chained Soldier episode 1 focuses on and excels at establishing the setting, plot, and main cast
Brief episode recap
Chained Soldier episode 1 began with scenes of a village being pillaged by what seemed to be horned monsters. A young, white-haired girl was then seen cowering beneath her mother’s dead body as one of the monsters approached her.
She said this was her path, as the scene changed again to a young boy looking at a backpack and a shoe on the street before him, saying that this was his story as he did so.

The scene then changed to show what appeared to be older versions of each of the two young children now fighting the monsters together. The girl finishes her sentence by saying this is her path to becoming the Supreme Commander, while the boy finishes his by saying this is his story of becoming a hero.
Chained Soldier episode 1 then shifted to a summit meeting, focused on the current situation in the country of Mato. The perspective then shifted to the grown boy from earlier, Yuuki Wakura, cleaning a school classroom with his friends.
The men then watch as the girls arrive, explaining their apparent powers as coming from something called Peaches. Yuuki elaborates that only women can get “blessings” from Peaches, which he claims makes their lives harder.
Yuuki laments that the skills he learned from his older sister won’t make him more popular with girls, even though he adds that the goal of learning those skills is to make his own life easier. One of his two friends begins discussing his sister in hushed tones but is stopped quickly by the other.
Chained Soldier episode 1 then cuts to later in the day, where Yuuki seems to be leaving some sort of job interview. He passes a sign that says “This Month’s Mato Mishaps” while pondering if he can do anything more useful than living a “normal” adult life. As he says this, a fog stops him from seeing anything in front of him.
He remembers the scene shown earlier from when he was a young boy, as the fog eventually disperses and reveals him in the Demon Capital of Mato. He opens a manual that says it can answer questions about Mato Mishaps. It explains that Mato refers to an alternate dimension connected to Japan by gates that mysteriously and suddenly appeared everywhere.

Chained Soldier episode 1 explains that Mato Mishaps are several damages caused by “Shuuki” in the human world or civilians who wander into Mato unintentionally. The manual tells Yuuki to sit still and wait for the Demon Defense Force, but this quickly becomes unrealistic as a massive monster appears behind him and attacks him. He also dropped his phone, which had the manual in the process.
Yuuki gets an image of his death as the monster approaches, but another monster being piloted by the white-haired girl from earlier (in her grown-up form) defends him. She calls him unlucky for being attacked right away before referring to the other monsters as Shuukis and attacking them. She quickly deals with each, with their corpses turning to blue flames shortly after she kills each of them.
Chained Soldier episode 1 sees the woman introduce herself as Kyouka Uzen, the Commander of the Demon Defense Force 7th Squad. Yuuki points out that they may need to worry given the Shuuki approaching, but Kyouka seemingly subjugates an unconscious Shuuki by putting her foot on it. She then tells Yuuki to get on so they can escape the other Shuuki.

As they flee, Kyouka’s 7th Squad allies Himari Azuma, Nei Okawamura, and Syusyu Suruga appear and provide support. Kyouka tells the others to expand their search area, prompting Nei to use some sort of sensory power, revealing additional Shuuki groups headed to their location.
Chained Soldier episode 1 sees Kyouka flee with Yuuki while instructing the others to fight the Shuuki, prompting Himari to transform her arm into a minigun she can fight with. Syusyu becomes a giant in order to fight the Shuuki, while Nei continues her sensory duties. Yuuki then explains that the Demon Defense Force is made up of women who are combat specialists, adding that Peaches, which grant powers, come from Mato.
Himari and the others are then shown to have found a young boy in their efforts, while Syusyu says she’s at her limit. They then begin discussing Kyouka as they head back with the child, with Himari apologizing to Nei for needing to keep using her powers. However, when he wakes up, the boy asks where his sister is, revealing that she is also in Mato.

Chained Soldier episode 1 then shifts back to Yuuki and Kyouka. Here, she lectures him on what one should do after a Mato mishap before stopping short. They then find the boy’s sister being cornered to a cliff by some Shuuki, catching her as she falls off. However, they’re eventually knocked off their Shuuki, prompting Kyouka to use a defensive barrier move, albeit a temporary one.
Kyouka then muses on how she got unlucky with her Peach’s blessing, beginning a flashback that saw others criticize how weak her ability is. In the present, Kyouka reaffirms her determination before questioning if she should test her ability on Yuuki. He agrees but becomes confused when Kyouka says she’ll enslave him.
Chained Soldier episode 1 then sees her explain that if her ability enhances him, then they can definitely escape. Yuuki then licks her finger instinctively, which causes a collar and several chains to appear around him as they did with the Shuuki Kyouka was riding. Yuuki also transforms into a Shuuki-like monster here, with Kyouka’s ability name being revealed as Eternal Chains: Slave.

Now, in an impressively powerful form, Yuuki begins fighting the Shuuki and effortlessly defeating them. Kyouka then grabs the young girl and gets on Yuuki’s back, ordering him to fight through the Shuuki so they can escape. In response, the remaining Shuuki merge into one giant creature. However, Yuuki and Kyouka easily deal with it once they’re able to get close enough to attack.
Chained Soldier episode 1 sees Kyouka’s subordinates marvel at Yuuki’s strength when he suddenly transforms back into his human self. Kyouka tells the others to leave, saying she needs to talk to Yuuki. She explains his ability to him, asserting that he’ll remain in Mato as her slave. Kyouka then kisses him unexpectedly, saying that the price of her ability is that she (the master) must reward her slaves each time they perform a task.
As Kyouka tries to kiss Yuuki again, he accidentally knocks off her hat, seemingly upsetting her and revealing some antennae-like appendages on her head. She explains that her body is moving regardless of her will due to her ability as she kisses him once more. The scene then changes to the Demon Defense Force headquarters, where Himari and the others are preparing to send the two young children home.

Chained Soldier episode 1 then sees Kyouka explain how dangerous one Shuuki is in the real world, adding that her dream is to become the Supreme Commander and wipe the Shuuki out. She asks Yuuki to work with him and help her achieve that dream, pointing out that he risked himself to protect that girl and applauding him for such bravery.
Yuuki says he wants to become a hero here, which seemingly touches Kyouka’s heart before saying they have a deal. Yuuki then thinks he can avenge his big sister by doing so before adding that his “rewards” from Kyouka make it all the more worth it. The two are then seen at the 7th Squad dormitory, where Kyouka explains it’s equipped with a powerful barrier and introduces it to Kyouka as his new workplace.
Chained Soldier episode 1 sees Himari and the others report that the children have been sent back, prompting Kyouka to explain that Yuuki will work here as a caretaker. While he’ll be her slave in battle, his role will be caretaker outside of battle. Nei, Himaru, and Syusyu’s reactions are shown, while Kyouka explains that a man can’t become a member of the Defense Force. The episode ended with Yuuki being officially welcomed by his new squad.
In review
Overall, Chained Soldier episode 1 serves as an excellent introduction to the series for those fans whose first experience with it will be the television anime adaptation. The barebones plot and setting are laid out quickly and in a sensible way while also setting up future events and reveals for the series (especially in the form of Yuuki’s sister).
The premiere episode also does a good job of splitting time between the central duo of Kyouka and Yuuki while also introducing the main cast overall. Likewise, the next episode should focus on Yuuki’s interactions with Himari, Nei, and Syusyu, balancing out the first episode’s focus on Kyouka with further development of the rest of the main cast.
In summation
Chained Soldier episode 1 serves as an exciting and intriguing introduction to the series, which is set in an alternate Japan connected to an alternate dimension known as Mato. While it's difficult to judge the series overall and its potential specifically after one episode, one of the Winter 2024 season’s flagship series seems to be intriguing based on what’s been seen so far.
Be sure to keep up with all Chained Soldier anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2024 progresses.